How to Handle a Commerical Truck Wreck With Your Car

Getting into an auto accident is a traumatizing experience, but it can be catastrophic when you get into a commercial truck wreck. The obvious reason is because of the sheer size of the commercial truck compared to the car is very large. It is much more likely to result in a fatality for the occupant of the car and nearly always results in injuries. However the aftermath can be nearly as bad. When a commercial trucker gets involved in an auto accident, one of the first people on the scene is the insurance company of the trucking company. They are there to make sure that the trucking company’s reputation and drivers are protected and the commercial truck is back on its route as quickly as possible. They are not your friends. They will try many different tactics to get you to admit that the fault was yours or trick you into making comments that make you look guilty to the police. So here is a list of what to do if you are in a commercial truck wreck with your car.

1. Make sure to look after the injured. If you or anyone else has been hurt, give them any help that you can and call for the police and an ambulance. Do not move anyone that may have a spinal injury as that may cause them further damage. Do try to move away from the cars in case they are leaking fuel.

2. Do not attempt to move anything. Leave the vehicles right where they are unless the police tell you otherwise. If you start changing things at the crime scene, it can give the police the idea that you are trying to hide a detail or cover something up.

3. Do not talk with the other driver or their representatives other than finding out if they are injured. You may be tempted to be polite and make small talk but do not. You could accidentally make a statement that could be construed as you taking responsibility for the accident.

4. If you have a phone with a camera, start taking pictures. Document the wreck, the people, the position of the cars, anything that you can think of to help your case. Later you can turn these over to your personal injury attorney and it will be the basis with which they build your case. Also, they can help to jog your memory because the details could grow hazy over time.

5. Contact an experienced personal injury attorney, preferably one that is experienced with commercial truck wrecks and commercial truck insurance companies. Getting a commercial trucking company’s insurance to pay on a claim is often a very convoluted process and you need to have someone that has been there many times before. You do not have to worry about paying the attorney up front, since many of the best practices will work on a contingency basis. That means that they get paid only if they win the case for you.

Author Bio: Cash, Krugler, & Fredericks are your Atlanta, Georgia, commercial truck wreck Attorneys. Our site has an archive of articles ranging from medical malpractice to false arrest. Please visit our site for more information.

Category: Legal
Keywords: commerical truck wreck

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