DUI Auto Insurance – What to Do After Such Conviction?

Driving under the influence of alcohol could be a great risk and police take it very seriously. Getting car insurance after being convicted with such felony is very hard and costs a lot. What to do to avoid such conviction and what to do in order to get the lowest possible rates for DUI auto insurance.

Getting a bottle of beer before you get behind the wheel could cost you much more than couple of dollars. People think that one beer or one drink could not make a difference but, if you are pulled down to the road side just after drinking and took the breath test, it will appear that you exceeded the legal limit.

First of all, driving under the influence of alcohol is very dangerous and that what makes policemen deal very seriously with such cases. If a road officer sees that you constitute a risk on the road, either for yourself or for others, he will pull you over on spot. You will undergo breath test, sobriety test or any other test that proves you are able to drive your car. If you fail to convince the policeman that you are sober enough then you will be facing a real serious problem.

In addition to fines or imprisonment, you will have another punishment which is the issuance of SR22 car insurance. SR22 is a legal form that you should submit to your insurance company and then you would be eligible to make a DUI auto insurance. SR22 car insurance is much expensive than the normal car insurance policy and it is mandatory to get such type of car insurance after being caught driving under influence.

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