Pick up or Decline of the British Economy

Now, anyone can go to 10 Downing Street official website check it when the British prime minister since David Cameron after they received what gifts, where to visit too (including how much was spent), what external participation Activities … … as long as you have this for such pursuits.

Expansion of the British Government as the transparency of public sector part of the effort, Cameron took the lead, first published from the office of the May 13 until July 31 gifts received between, visits and participation in activities and spend a list of the meeting. Special Adviser to the Prime Minister because of this new status are the benefits (gifts and hospitality) are also listed.

As a rule, Cameron release and surrender to all the value he had received the gift of more than 140 pounds. I basically looked at, including the French president gave his tennis and rackets, David Campbell, gave his books (Cameron bought their own expense), Obama gave him the painting, New York Mayor gave him Ipad, Bahrain’s King gave him the jewelry and clocks, Turkish Prime Minister gave him the carpet, and so on. Only accept a return period of free dinner, is to attend a police bravery medal presentation ceremony.

This time the British taxpayers at ease. Spend at least the Prime Minister in the books is clear, neat, and no personal enrichment, suspected of robbing opportunity. It also appears with the needs of 60 million ordinary people to bear the financial cuts, welfare, the reality of shrinking more harmonious.

No wonder the British financial cuts for those beating the European mainland than the reaction will be mild. British trade unions have announced plans to hold nationwide protests and strikes, but the time but was delayed until next year March – Rice announced spending cuts when the full distance Osborne 5 months.

You know, in the UK public services will be at least about 49 million people are unemployed, some think tanks also estimated that the number of shares of unemployed will reach millions.

British so “calm,” the foundation, I am afraid that those who have been made public and transparent to the bombing of astronomical numb. That Osborne vowed that Britain can now “out of danger” without having to suffer from four cross-examination.

Since the third quarter of last week the relative improvement in economic statistics, the Bank of England governor hinted earlier in the implementation of more quantitative easing policy may consider suspending, at least the possibility of reduced. For routine Thursday announced the results of the Bank of England meeting on interest rates, more media have begun to turn the tone: forget it quantitative easing policy, the United Kingdom need to raise interest rates to counter the threat of inflation. These days, the British pound on the wind up.

However, the British really want to hike it? The latest market survey found that as long as interest rates rose 2 percentage points, there are 37% of UK mortgage holders have to face bankruptcy.

In various economic forums, people constantly ask: What is a little bit of Britain towards a better future, or to decline a little bit?

Politicians will give you a definite answer, but the real answer, I am afraid the end who did not mind.

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