Rare Problem Will Not be G20 Issues

Recently, China’s rare earth export quota control on the topic, spread from Japan, Europe and America began to put pressure on China. The White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said at a press conference recently and even the U.S. government may G20 summit in Seoul to raise the issue. This raises the problem may be rare earth G20 summit in Seoul subject of speculation.

The problem is not worthy of rare-earth subject to be discussed G20

Yesterday, the United Nations Conference on Investment and Strategic Planning Director of the Theis method of Chu in the attend the Second China Fair for clearance of foreign investment and cooperation, it is sure that the Chinese rare earth export controls, will not be forthcoming G20 Summit in Seoul topic. And does not really appear on the agenda.

He explained that the topic of the G20 team has been preparing for nearly a year, but his team has been providing operational support in terms of level and think tanks. “This involves a series of stringent in South Korea ready to process. Whether the summit or the sub-forum for all levels. G20 should discuss some important issues such as global economic recovery, trade protectionism, whether to discuss some of the acts defined in trade protectionism. So, these issues will be a meeting, they (the U.S.) can not simply add a question to add a question. ”

Deputy Director of the International Energy Agency, Richard – Jones also confirmed the news reporter. “Rather than hype the earth into a political issue problems, as it is essentially a technical problem. Before the United States always brought a similar proposal, many eventually are proved wrong.” He pointed out that this topic is not may become G20 issues. “G20 is a very strict organization, not casually placed topic. And this important topic and the exchange rate compared to that, really not important.”

RE issues should not be “politicized”

At present, the earth has become the United States, Europe, Japan and put pressure on China’s political game tool.

Richard – Jones, told reporters that the world now does have a number of countries are very concerned about China’s rare earth export quota controls, the International Energy Agency has also been the request of several Member States, to get started research on this issue.

As for the results of this dispute, Richard – Jones and some Western officials believe that the market should be resolved and the international rule itself should not be politicized.

“Export controls, to my understanding, it is not very popular with WTO approval. But the results did not come out, I will not comment, because I had also done the work of the class of trade, as far as I understand it, trade disputes, will be spend more than a year to get resolved, and the results are often surprising. “Richard – Jones said,” we have to respect the international dispute settlement mechanisms. may take a long time for a little, but the event itself will resolve itself eventually. ”

Pei Jingkang the Kingdom of the Netherlands Ambassador to China, told this reporter that the earth is to be operated a news topic. He said: “If you combine the political dispute earlier in the day view, the earth may seem more interesting topic. But this is only one aspect of this business case.”

He believes that the market of rare earth Wenti natural adjustment after a few years will naturally achieve a more balanced state.

“Because the supply of rare earth in China accounted for more than, more than 95% of global market share, the current can be monopolized, so that a country’s export restrictions in China, can affect the market price and the global rare earth supply.” He said, “However, rare earth can also be produced in other countries, such as the United States, Mongolia, so I think a few years, with the adjustment of supply and demand, such as the price of rare earth in China up, keep up the supply of other countries, and This problem can be resolved naturally. “

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