Personal Injury Lawyers to Deal With Slip and Fall Accidents

Personal injuries are injuries caused by slip and fall accidents within both public and private properties like school, office building, shopping centers, etc., injuries incurred from car accidents, and injuries incurred due to defective or harmful products. A personal injury claim makes up a large part of insurance and lawsuit claims in Ontario, Canada, which revolve around the concept of responsibility. In plain words, a person is held responsible if he/she is found responsible of causing the injury, whether intentionally or negligently.

In eyes of law, until proved both the injured party and the property owner are responsible for the injury. The injured party has to show in court that he/she took all measures possible to prevent accident. If the mishap was attributable to the injured party’s own carelessness like ignoring warning signs or driving high on alcohol the compensation claim will be void. If another party is involved in the accident like property owner, that party will need to prove that the accident wasn’t caused by his/her carelessness. For instance, slip and fall claims because of wet floors, the property owner has to prove that there were enough warning signs put up by him/her. Wet floors left unattended and without any warning signs, can be reason enough for a strong slip and fall claim. In numerous cases, where the responsible party is insured, often the compensation for personal injury claims might be recovered from insurance company.

Damages for a personal injury claim cover both non-financial and financial compensation. Non-financial compensation is often called pain and suffering claim, which cannot be estimated immediately. As per Canadian laws, a person is entitled to a maximum of $300,000 for pain and suffering non-financial damages, if that person is filing for a personal injury claim. Also, please note I am not a lawyer these views are strictly my personal opinion and not a legal advice.

Financial compensation is more substantial, which have monetary values calculated easily and comprises hospitalization, damage to moveable and unmovable property, loss of income, and other future losses that can be incurred because of protracted injuries or permanent disabilities. Personal injuries that hinder the wounded person from executing his/her present job permanently typically amounts to a high compensation claim, therefore, medical proofs, and in a few cases financial estimations, are produced in court to establish this claim. Injured parties who are sole wage earners can as well claim for compensation for their dependants. Certainly, this is subject to injured persons with kids below legal adulthood age.

There are a few exceptions though, like pain and suffering claims can’t be made against automobile drivers unless the injury includes permanent deformity/disability or permanent injury leading to severe limitations to physical or mental functions. However, the injured person can claim a financial compensation together with loss of wages. There are a few limitations as well, like personal injury claims must be filed as quickly as possible. If the personal injury claim is made after the permitted term under the laws, it will be declared invalid. So, if you are involved in an accident involving personal injury immediately contact an expert personal injury lawyer.

Author Bio: Please note, I am not a lawyer, this is not a legal advice, it is my personal opinion, but for real legal advice and for more information on Toronto personal injury law firm and on personal injury lawyer slip and fall Please visit:

Category: Legal
Keywords: personal injury lawyers Ontario, personal injury lawyers in Toronto, personal injury law Toronto,

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