G20 Cohesion Need to Defend

Two years ago, the first summit of the Group of Twenty meeting in Washington when the global financial crisis, the world economy tottering; today, when the summit for the first time moved to Asia, will be held in Seoul, Korea, the world economy can be described as recovering from illness. Slow economic recovery, the Resurrection of trade protectionism also, from the Washington summit, the Group of Twenty cohesion began to cast the risk of being in danger of being eroded. To ensure a positive outcome in Seoul summit, return to the main line of cooperation is inevitable. So, how to defend the cohesion of the Group of Twenty, has become a gathering of national media reporters in Seoul hot topic one.

Right now, the national financial policy differences fade in, the friction increased global exchange rate, trade protectionism increasingly strong, with financial analysts to describe it as “the era of concerted efforts from crisis to crisis after the era of distracted.” Not long ago, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the cohesion of the Group of Twenty expressed deep concern to fade. Really should be the phrase “fair-weather easy with the rich and difficult,” saying? This makes a lot of attention to the Seoul summit, economic commentators re-set our sights on the Washington side of the ocean two years ago.

Summit in Washington, in the face of an unprecedented financial tsunami, members of the Group of Twenty unprecedented show of unity – “We are determined to take joint action to improve the control of the world’s financial markets, regulatory and all operations”, “use all economic and financial means to ensure financial market stability and healthy operation. ”

In Washington, the face of the attention of the world, Chinese President Hu Jintao delivered a speech entitled “Working together through the hard times,” the important speech – “In order to effectively deal with this financial crisis, countries should enhance confidence, strengthen coordination and cooperation. ” Sincere appeal to Chinese leaders, and ultimately became the reflection of the outcome of the summit.

“To overcome this crisis, the world will listen to the voice of China.” Professor Wei Liya National Autonomous University of Mexico, Hernandez issued after the summit in Washington on her view that “the Washington summit, President Hu Jintao put forward the initiative will to overcome the financial crisis will become the world’s medicine. ”

Seoul summit on the eve of the “currency war” risk spiking upward, the global crisis response mechanisms of cooperation crucial challenges facing the world once again heard the voice of China. Earlier this month, President Hu Jintao told French daily “Le Figaro” and told Portuguese news agency Lusa, Seoul summit “should focus on maintaining unity and solve the international financial crisis caused by the fundamental problems, the strengthening of world economic recovery.” He stressed that: “To continue a spirit of solidarity and the principle of mutual benefit to strengthen the macroeconomic policy coordination, issued to the market together the Group of Twenty members of the major challenges the world economy deal with the positive signal, boost market confidence, strengthening the world economy recovery. “This is the declaration of China’s position, but also echoed the concerns of the international community.

The context of globalization of the world economy is prospering, a loss for both, especially to get rid of impetuous attitude, behavior and short-sighted move utility. As the Nobel laureate in economics, the famous economist Joseph Stiglitz said, “should be more concerned about the overall benefits among countries and long-term goals.” Only in this way can we safeguard the cohesion of the Group of Twenty, the success of Seoul to provide strategic security summit. Looking back on the Washington Summit, the significance is this.

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