Training in Aromatherapy

When you say Aromatherapy a lot of people vaguely mention oils and don’t seem to know much else. However there is a whole depth of Aromatherapy which ready to be discovered by aromatherapy students and therapist alike.
Aromatherapy is considered to be a holistic treatment which combines:

& spirit

Aromatherapy works to improve both the emotional and physical well-being of a person, motivating the body to balance itself.

It goes without saying; people who are suffering with unremitting health issues must always seek advice from their doctor first.

Plainly speaking Aromatherapy is a treatment aimed to help, and heal via the correct application of essential oils yielded from plants. In order to really to appreciate Aromatherapy and to gain a real perceptive of the subject it is imperative that you gain a deeper knowledge of essential oils. Studying aromatherapy is very easy to do these days as there are so many resources and it is easy to incorporate it into everyday life.

Most of us are familiar with Massage; which interestingly has been around for thousands of years and has been in use in several cultures.

You may be astonished to discover that the Romans were great believers in the therapeutic powers of massage; believing that it assisted in healing the human body.

I first got interested by Aromatherapy when I treated my daughter lice problem with tea tree oils and soon a world of essential oils was soon unravelled to me.

I mean I was staggered to learn that Tea tree oil (also known as Australian Tea Tree Oil) is has so many versatile uses and is an excellent antiseptic. However the Aborigines have long known the healing properties of Tea tree oil as they have used it for treating cuts and burns for centuries.

This rich oil which is yellow in colour is also antiviral, antifungal plus antibacterial. This oil is a must in any therapist toolkit and is often used for treating:

Head lice
Bladder infections
Flea bites
Nail infections
& Bruises

This list is by no means exhaustive, even the commercial world has even got in on the act; everything from conventions about Tea tree oil to workshops relating to its application.

Tee tree is often added to shower gels, body lotions, soap, hair rinses, bath salts you name it.

When you think about it; all this is nothing new. The ancient Egyptians used essential oils for embalming and cosmetic uses amongst other things.

Like everything in life there are some precautions which need to be exercised where Tea tree oil is concerned. Pregnant women should avoid Tea Tree oil at all costs as should women who have chosen to breastfeed.

I would also advise against swallowing Tea Tree oil and for people who have sensitive skin; then they should refrain from applying Tea Tree oil neat on the skin as this can cause irritation.

Lastly I would also suggest that it is worth avoiding synthetic oils as it is more likely that you could experience allergic reactions and many other therapists have informed me that is fails to have the effect of pure essential oils.

Author Bio: Pascal D’Sanchez is an holistic therapist and trainer Learn More Here

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: aromatherapy education,aromatherapy courses, online aromatherapy, essential oils aromatherapy,

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