Are 3D Movies Here to Stay?

Whether you are a massive film fan or not, there is no escaping the fact that 3D films are big business at the moment. As the amount of studios look in to cash in by jumping onto the 3D bandwagon the debate amongst cinema-goers, film professionals and critics is becoming increasingly heated. There doesn’t seem to be a consensus over the merits of 3D film. Some feel like it is a passing fad, whereas others insist that it is the future of cinema. So what do you think – has 3D already outstayed it’s welcome or has it already settled in to be a mainstay of our film going experience?

Before we go on lets make sure that we all agree on the type of 3D that we are talking about. We are not referring to the computer generated characters that spawned a revolution in special effects during the late 80s and early 90s. In this case we are describing stereoscopic 3D which is the technology which gives rise to the illusion of images having actual depth as opposed to a ‘flat’ image. This technology was relatively unknown until films such as Avatar launched it into the public’s imagination. Even though the film is relatively recent, it seems like every other film is looking for an angle whereby it can benefit from stereoscopic 3D. Don’t be fooled into thinking that this technology is new as the first experiments into stereoscopic imaging began way back in the early 1800’s although granted, it has been honed and improved over the past couple of decades. It has now got to the point where the majority of the influential movie makers and animation companies in hollywood are referring to it as the future of cinema.

There seem to be two sides in the ongoing debate surrounding 3D. There are those who are sceptical of the merits of 3D, insisting that it is a passing trend as it was back in the 80s when there were a flurry of films which required the viewer to wear the old style red and green 3D specs. They also make the argument that the ticket prices for these films are grossly overinflated and many cinema goers will stay away and wait for a DVD release as the prefer a more conventional – and in most cases cheaper – traditional 2d viewing experience.

On the other side of the fence are those that argue the declining interest in stereoscopic 3D films are down to film makers not making the most of the technology and that they aren’t using it to it’s best effect. They also make the point that if movie makers are to put more focus on special effects then it will detract focus from what distinguishes a great film from a poor film – an excellent storyline. People with this view also accept that there are good 3D films as well as bad films and it’s is most likely these bad films which are contributing to lack of interest.

Either way it seems like 3D is set to stick around for at least a while longer. Whether the technology will be around long enough to see whether it will be properly utiilised we can only wait and see.

Author Bio: Trevor Richards is writing on behalf of Fluid Creativity, a UK web design and animation company.

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: animation, movie, film, 3d, motion graphics, cinema, business

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