Is Ceramic Tile Flooring For Everyone?

The answer is, of course! Ceramic tile flooring is a definitely welcome option for homeowners who would like to have continuity with their indoor and outdoor design aesthetic. For a number of homeowners, they feel that their floors that have received a tile treatment should continue all the way to their outdoor space. Thus, ceramic tile flooring is a hit for them. Also, there are those who want both their living and outdoor areas to get a polished look subscribe to having ceramic tile flooring for their gardens and pool sides. What can be overwhelming though is the selection process. Choosing the erfe3ct ceramic tiles can be quite a task, considering the number of choices one is faced with. The patterns, colors, sizes, among others – there are just too many tiles to choose from, and narrowing the choices before deciding which tiles to go with should lessen the anxiety when one is already in the home improvement store.

A: Choosing the Perfect Ceramic Tiles

Choosing ceramic flooring tiles should be an exciting task, and most people concern themselves with the aesthetics and look of the tiles first. Anyway, before looking into which patterns and colors would be pretty, the prime consideration in choosing ceramic tile flooring should first be the factors relating to function. As they can be used both inside and outside, these tiles should be able to withstand different weather conditions. Living in temperate countries should make your choice of tiles lean more on impervious or vitreous tiles. These tiles will not be damaged when it freezes because of water absorption. People living in humid weather should consider porcelain due to the material’s low water absorption. Also, ceramic flooring tiles should be non-slip, as they will be exposed to moisture, and a homeowner wouldn’t want accidents happening when people start slipping all the time on the tiled floor. Lastly, the ability of the tile to withstand wear and tear should be top priority. Then other factors such as price, color and coordination should follow.

B: The Pros of Ceramics

So, aside from the factors mentioned above, what makes ceramic tile flooring the best option for one’s floor?

– Ceramic tiles can withstand fire. Toxic fumes, burning and smoke will not be a problem with ceramics.

– Ceramic tile flooring is also resistant to any stains. Any dirt does not stick to ceramics, so they are very easy to clean and maintain. To keep ceramic tiles clean, one just has to sweep, wash or vacuum them regularly with water.

– Ceramic tiles do not get damaged with chemical agents easily, as they are highly resistant to them.

– Even if ceramic tiles get exposed to the harshest elements like sunlight, salt water or dirt, their color will not fade and texture will not change.

– As ceramic tile flooring is very convenient and easy to clean, these types of tiles are highly recommended for areas where sanitary standards are high and cannot be compromised.

– The longevity and durability of these tiles give users great value for their money. Although their initial costs are quite costlier than most other tiles, they will last a long time, and thus they would take a longer time to devaluate, if at all.

Author Bio: William I. Neil is an architect, providing information and directories about home improvement, ceramic mosaic tile, bathroom ceramic tile and ceramic tile for kitchen

Category: Home Management
Keywords: ceramic tile, ceramic, tile, home, home decoration, floor, flooring

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