She Really Wants A Latte

Now many guys in the pick up artist community talk about day game versus night game and what is better. Really, what is better is whatever works.

Here’ something that will guarantee you a conversation with a woman.

The next time you are at the coffeeshop buy the coffee of the woman in line behind you.

You think women want you to buy them a drink? Maybe. However, what they want more is a coffee in the morning. Moreover, it is unexpected. Women are not used to guys buying them a coffee. It is unusual, creative, and thoughtful.

In addition, it may be a little confounding. In my part of town, people in the drive through line often pay for the coffee of the person in the car behind them as a way of paying it forward. It is seen as a gesture of goodwill at the least and at the most, a symbol of religious generosity. Many people know about this pay it forward at the coffee shop drive through line, as well.

Therefore, if you pay for the coffee of the woman behind you, she will be a bit bewildered about your motives. Because she won’t exactly know why you did it, she will be curious about you. This will help lead to a conversation. In addition, you will be extremely nonthreatening to speak to because she won’t know whether you are making a gesture to pick her up or just acting out of the goodness of your heart.

She will not know and therefore, her guard will be down. She will be more willing to talk to you if she isn’t worried about you trying to pick her up.

The important thing is to keep it casual. She has the expectation that it will be casual and this is why she is open to you speaking to her. You are nonthreatening and she has no problem taking the time to thank you for your courtesy and generosity.

Now, here’s a word of warning. If she doesn’t immediately engage in conversation with you, do not despair. Believe me; a woman who hasn’t had her caffeine yet in the morning may take a while to warm up. Just like a man who relies on coffee to wake up won’t be as receptive to conversation. Therefore, if she just gives you a smile and brief thank you. Don’t leave with your tail between your legs. Instead, find a seat close, but not too close, to where she is sitting. Raise your cup to her and toast her if she meets your eye. Sit close enough where it would not be an effort to engage in conversation, but not so close that it is threatening or creepy.

Give her a bit of time. Look busy but occasionally catch her eye and smile. Maybe read the paper or call a friend on the phone. However, don’t leave. If she gets up to leave first then by all means smile at her and tell her to have a good day. If she does walk out the game’s not over yet. Make a note of the day and time and make sure are there the next Tuesday at 9 a.m. but this time get there a bit early and see if she shows and this time don’t buy a coffee but just say a pleasant hello.

I know this sounds farfetched and crazy, but this exact scenario is how my sister met her husband. Go figure.

Author Bio: Bill has been teaching men How to Text a Girl for the last 5 years in NYC and is a professional pick up artist, also known in the community as a PUA. Bill can help you learn to enjoy the same level of success with women. The original article can be found here: She Really Wants a Latte.

Category: Advice
Keywords: how to text a girl, meeting women, relationship advice

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