American Conservatism May on Reversing Globalization

Fed’s QE2 and mid-term election defeat Democrats Barack Obama United States political and economic news of recent central theme of these two things will be on the subprime crisis after the era of globalization, a fundamental pattern. The rise of conservative forces, especially the Tea Party Movement, it is likely that the U.S. played in globalization more conservative role.

The so-called Tea Party movement mainly refers to the number of populist conservative after the subprime mortgage crisis by high unemployment, low consumption decline in the quality of life the shadow of hostility to the public on the simple logic of globalization. Such as the Wall Street global transfer of funds within the United States, a large number of cheap illegal migrants to snatch the work of local residents, the use of cheap labor in emerging markets and U.S. jobs diversion led by China, emerging market countries to import cheap goods to the United States defeat the U.S. small and medium enterprises and so on.

These political tools are increasingly spread to the Democratic Party from the Republican Party, and even mid-term election the two parties and China has become the most important “public enemy.” Some people think that China’s problem is politicians running for the “Tools” fills the election, everything will be the same. But do not forget the suffering caused by the crisis may last a long time, which means that high unemployment and low consumption problems may be suffering a long time voters and the Government to promote collective will to change, and then on globalization far-reaching implications.

The United States is the initiator of a new round of globalization, from which to share best interests. However, the Wall Street global financial expansion, multinational companies transferring manufacturing base, the main beneficiaries of foreign goods sold back to the U.S. large enterprises, financial institutions and governments. For the general public, access to credit is mainly low-end products to relax and the benefits of cheap, sub-prime crisis, the public found that globalization has not brought substantial benefits to its. In contrast, high unemployment, such as personal consumption decreased ability to lose too much. Thus, the outbreak of xenophobic, closed group of emotions is not hard to explain, and politicians is in the use of these feelings against competitors. The sad truth is that most of the bipartisan political contributions have benefited from globalization, from the largest financial institutions, large enterprises, these enterprises also tend to use the current U.S. government to give more pressure on emerging markets in exchange for market resources.

Fundamentally speaking, the modern economy is based on modern enterprise system and technology innovation. With the emerging countries are increasingly absorbed in the low-end systems and technology, traditional Western and Japanese only advantage of the developed economies is the high-end technological innovation. In fact, even in these countries, the real innovation capability with high-end technology is only a few. Most of the general public has been able to enjoy several times higher than other countries, several times the revenue, in fact, a few innovators to catch a ride. It is also because the traditional system developed too much of the public to enjoy the benefits, their relative competitiveness in the context of globalization and emerging market countries certainly can not compete. Economic factors in the era of free movement of capital deserted inevitable. At this point the local democratic system developed system had on the whole of human progress “negative externalities”, in developed countries has become a democratic system is essentially closed, narrow-minded minority of all (compared to the developed and the whole human race) the interests of protection.

In fact, the data also support this tendency is increasing. November 5th, the United Nations Conference on Trade (UNCTAD), the OECD jointly issued “the Group of Twenty Investment Policy Report.” The report referred to in the second quarter of 2010, a sharp rise in national protectionism G20, G20’s FDI inflows last quarter compared with a 36% decline in global investment flows dropped about 25%. Affected in 2010, G20 and the global FDI flows in general may be at a standstill. In addition, still the major developed countries as multinational bases of democracy to shift the pressure from the public, but also increased the exchange rates of emerging market countries and market opening pressure.

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