How to Live a Life of Abundance

The world we are living in constantly creates abundance of everything, every minute. They all surround us-abundant wealth, abundant health, abundant happiness, relationships, opportunities, yes, abundance of every one of those things a person can ever wish to have.

Indeed, it’s been estimated that there are enough building materials in the United States alone to construct a befitting house for every man, woman, and child alive today.

It was also proven a few years ago that the entire world population could comfortably fit into the land area of the U.S. state of Texas, with each family occupying a Texas-style mansion! (If you the reader need proof of this, I have it)

Meanwhile when you consider the number of the homeless in the world as well as the cost of relatively little pieces of lands everywhere, you’ll end up with the impression that we are seriously short of space and materials.

You see, scarcity is all in our minds. And the key to living a life of abundance is to open your mind, your eyes, and your ears. Abundant life is possible. But you’ll have to change the way you think and the way you perceive the world. Abundance is a state of awareness that you alone can awaken from within you.

The first step towards living a life of abundance is to understand that it comes from within and then manifests outwards. It requires you to give some attention to your emotional state.

It is a known fact that our emotional habits enable us to approach life in a certain manner, which in turn attracts certain events, situations, individuals, and relationships that are in congruence with our general outlook in life.

Say you’re someone who distrusts people, one is anxious, depressed, fearful and pessimistic. There’s every chance that these emotional habits will attract to you experiences that are in line with your emotions. Your thoughts affect your emotions, which in turn affect your actions and behavior. So be careful what you think and say to yourself.

Living abundant life does not necessarily mean being wealthy. Yes, abundant wealth inevitably comes to those who follow abundance principles. But that’s not the primary aim. Indeed, great wealth without abundance mentality could still leave a person miserable-or haven’t you heard of billionaires who committed suicide?

Ok hear this: in January 2009 both the New York Times newspaper and The Wall Street Journal featured the sad story of Adolf Merckle, a German billionaire who took his own life following what I would call a massive loss of perspective. At death, his net worth was in excess of $9 billion! So wealth doesn’t necessarily guarantee that you’ll live a life of abundance. But you’ll need to appreciate what is available to you.

It means cultivating gratitude. A life of bitterness, regrets, and self-pity repels abundance. If indeed you have things you sincerely feel you should have handled better, acknowledge it, then forgive yourself and move on positively! Just don’t dwell on it perpetually.

It will also help if you list those things about you for which you are thankful. They don’t have to be grand achievements or possessions. And the list doesn’t have to be long-4 or 7 items may be OK. Go through the list before retiring to bed each night.

Even if at the moment you don’t think you have a lot in terms of material possessions, living your life with the abundance principle will do two things for you: one, it will increase your level of happiness and, two, it will prepare you to take advantage of opportunities when they do present themselves-and they will, since the world abounds with abundance. So don’t dwell on your present condition-especially if it’s miserable.

Stop seeing yourself as a victim. Allow yourself to entertain thoughts of joy and happiness. Continue to think positive thoughts and hold positive beliefs. Always be grateful for the things you do possess now-whether big or small. Whatever you have now can be used to make your life rich, abundant, and rewarding.

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Author Bio: Learning these MLM Marketing Secrets can help you Explode your MLM business. Sandra Essex is a TOP Producing Internet Marketer. She enjoys helping new people learn how to Build Their MLM Business by using the internet. If you are tired of failing in your present Company then you need to learn these skills! Visit this Blog for more SUCCESS TRAINING Tip

Category: Self Help
Keywords: personal growth,living an abundant life,abundance mentality,abundance success

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