Mechanical or Fixed Broadheads

There are a number of leisure activities in the world that can only be practiced in certain parts of the world. One such activity is hunting. Even though there has been a lot of speculation about whether hunting should be allowed or not, those that enjoy the sport can only be the true judges. There are many countries in the world that are known to practice hunting. The country where hunting is practiced the most is in the United States of America.

Even though many people are usually known to generalize the sport of hunting to be the same, in actual fact, there are different ways by which a person can go hunting. The one that we are going to take a look at today is using a bow and arrow.

Any proper hunter will tell you that in order to be successful in hunting, one needs to ensure that they have the right set of tools for the job. As a result, we are going to look at the type of arrow that should be used for bow and arrow hunting.

The bow is not as important as the arrow it self. The reason being is that it is the arrow which will actually act as the killing weapon when hunting your prey. In previous years, it was quite common for many people to stick to fixed broad heads as at that time; there was no other to choose from. In the current modern day, many hunters have however moved to mechanical broad heads instead and rightly so.

We are going to take a look at why mechanical broad heads have taken over the traditional fixed broad heads; and whether the change has really been for the better.

If you look at the mechanical broad head in a bit more detail, one can easily see that there are a number of significant differences which would make quite a difference when hunting. One of the advantages of a mechanical broad head is the alterable four point blades that it has to offer. What this ensures is that the blade can be angled in any way to ensure that it penetrates the prey without causing any form of drag. With the fixed broad head on the other hand, these were known to cause too much drag. What this meant was that the prey was still able to get away if the shot had not penetrated the targeted area.

Following on from the previous feature, the mechanical broad head is also known to cause a larger wound than a traditional fixed broad head. This ensures that regardless of where the prey is hit, 99% chances are that the prey will fall dead immediately. On average, a mechanical broad head is able to cause a wound of about one to two inches.

If you are looking to buy either a mechanical or fixed broad head, the best place to look would be online. At the current moment in time, there are a large number of online stores that are offering various types of hunting equipment including both types of broad heads as well.

Doc No:BS-922-ULT5-jn87

Author Bio: Stacey Stephens is a writer for Stick’em Archery, LLC, which offers NAP Thunderhead Edge Broadheads and NAP BloodRunner Broadheads.

Category: Sports
Keywords: broad head,mechanical broad,mechanical broad heads

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