What Does a Clone Remover Do?

While a clone remover might sound like something out of a sci-fi novel, this is actually a more down to earth reality than you might have realized. With a clone remover, you can begin to regain control of your media on your computer’s hard drive, without breaking a sweat. All you need to do is to install the clone remover, turn it on, and watch it remove the clones from your computer, without any hesitation.

How to Remove Clones

In the past, people had to remove clones from their computers by going through their computer’s hard drive, looking at everything, and then deciding which files to remove. This is a long and a tedious process, one that results in a lot of frustration and even more time wasted. Instead, with a clone remover, you will be able to remove the clones without having to do any of the searching. The program already knows how to do that. You will just need to tell the program what to remove and what to keep. You don’t have to spend any more time looking for the clones you already know are present on your computer.

Exact Clones vs. Almost Exact Clones

What many people don’t realize about a clone remover is that there are such things as exact clones and almost exact clones. Exact clones are pictures that are absolutely the same as their partners. This happens when you are trying to save a picture in more than one place on your computer. You might have a file that’s exactly the same, but saved twice. Almost exact clones are those clones that are pictures, music, or movie files that contain almost the same material, but not quite. For example, you might have two pictures of the same beach shot, but one is slightly to the left. These are clones, close enough to warrant a further inspection. After all, do you really need two of basically the same picture?

Deleting Your Clones Forever

Once you run the clone remover, you will learn more about the clones the program has found and then you can decide to delete them forever. For most people, this makes sense. This will help to clear up your media collection and make it more useful to you. Or you can decide to keep all of your clones by moving them to another hard drive, flash drive, or CD-ROM. No matter what you decide to do, you have the option of getting rid of these duplicates forever. You’re the one that makes that decision.

When you use a clone remover, it’s like having an extra set of hands at your desk. This will help you to keep your files from getting out of control and this program will allow you to make sure you only hang onto the information you really need. Having a streamlined hard drive is the goal and this sort of software program is going to help you reach that finish line.

Author Bio: Max Smirnov, Clone Remover Author

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: clone remover, clone, remover

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