Baldness – a Major Concern of Most Men

Baldness is characterized by the having no hair or the lack of hair where it usually grows. This term is always associated with the head but is not limited to it. Androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness is the most common form of baldness and it affects adult male humans along with other species. There is also female pattern baldness and it is called androgenic alopecia, androgenetic alopecia or alopecia androgenetica. The degree, amount and patterns of baldness varies greatly. There are 3 major kinds of pattern baldness and these are alopecia areata, alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis. Alopecia areata refers to the pattern baldness that only involves some hair loss on the head. Alopecia totalis on the other hand refers to the loss of all the hair on the head, whereas alopecia universalis is the most extreme one since it refers to the loss of all the hair in the body and when it says, all, it means, all.

Male baldness is often associated with genetics. Therefore if most of the men in your family go bald early, tendency is that you will go bald early too. Most men start showing signs of baldness at the age of 30. But one character of male pattern baldness is losing the hair at the lateral sides of the forehead and is called receding hairline. Usually, it is seen on men ages 20 and above but this can be present during the late teen years.

Aside from the 3 kinds of baldness mentioned above, there are other forms of baldness. Traction alopecia, trichotillomania and telogen effluvium are just some of the examples. Traction alopecia happens to people who always have ponytails or cornrows. These hairstyles pull the hair with excessive force and therefore inducing baldness. Trichotillomania is common among children than adults. It is characterized as the compulsive pulling and bending of hair. This type of baldness is also characterized not by loss of hair on the scalp but short and broken hairs near the scalp which is also called exclamation mark hairs.

There is no successful treatment for different kinds alopecia, although hair loss sufferers have tried clinically proven products such as dutasteride, finasteride and minoxidil solution which is applied topically. These treatments are popular for preventing more hair loss and for growing back hair. Aside from these treatments, some hair loss sufferers would undergo cosmetic transplant surgery to have more hair. There are also hair replacement systems that will give you natural-looking hair. But some would rather maintain the remaining hair than to have them grow back.

There are ways to conceal hair loss and these include doing a technique called comb over, wearing a wig or toupee and having topical camouflages by adding electrostatic microfibers to one’s natural hair.

Whatever method you choose is all up to you. But instead of shying away from baldness and being ashamed of it, embrace it. There are countless of celebrities who are not ashamed to be bald and some have even chosen to shave their heads to make a statement.

Author Bio: Brent McNutt enjoys writing for which sells baby phat scrubs and landau scrubs as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: baldness,male baldness,mens issues

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