Britain Put Into Operation the World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm

Europe, the United Kingdom is located in the corner, surrounded by the sea. Perhaps precisely because of this special geographical environment, the UK marine energy resources in research and development can be said to be fond of. In the well-known depletion of North Sea oil and green energy is about the sudden emergence of the contemporary, the British pay more attention to the development of wind power, wind power development is currently described as the ascendant.

Not long ago, the United Kingdom to a green energy project caused a great sensation — the world’s largest offshore wind farm in operation. Great British media reports, the British energy and climate change secretary Chris Bethune went to the scene cut the ribbon, and praised the project as a “stunning achievement.”

Huon minister said this is not very far from the capital, London, Kent’s Sai Nite wind farms “amazing” does not boast. Look on this offshore wind farm can understand some of the data. Sai Nite wind farm by the renowned Swedish energy giant Watengfaer European companies to build, costing 780 million pounds, built two years. This offshore wind farm built on the coast 12 km away from the ocean, the distribution of 35 square kilometers of sea, good weather you can see them from the sea as the forest-like stands among the majestic blue. Farms with 100 great “windmill” generators, each the height of wind turbine 115 meters, equivalent to approximately 30 multi-storey building that high. Each of the three huge blades 44 meters long, slowly rotating in the bursts of wind, quietly providing people with electricity. Sai Nite wind farm design life of 25 years, with a total installed capacity of 300 MW power generation capacity to meet the 200,000 British households demand for electricity.

UK Renewable Energy Association chief executive Maria McCaffery said Sai Nite completion of offshore wind farm wind power industry in the UK and even for the renewable energy industry is a milestone.

However, Sai Nite offshore wind farm wind power “leader” status will soon be another larger offshore wind farm away. Not far away from the wind farm will be built near the sea and a large Aurangabad called wind farm. This wind farm will have 140 wind turbines, a big game is almost nearly half of Bennett. Moreover, the large offshore wind farm near Aurangabad will be in London area near the mouth of the River Thames has to be built in a giant offshore wind farms beyond. This larger wind farm will be up to 1,000 MW of installed capacity.

It may be boring from the following figures can be seen that the UK wind power industry and future development of vigorous rapid scene:

British Land has already put into operation 258 wind farms installed capacity of 3765 MW; offshore wind farm 13, and installed capacity of 1341 MW; a total of 271 installed capacity of 5106 MW.

Britain is currently being built 37 wind farms installed capacity of 2234 MW. Land and offshore wind farms which were 33 and 4, respectively, installed capacity of 1082 MW and 1152 MW. Obviously, the number of offshore wind farms, though small, but the scale is growing.

Britain has decided to build 198 wind farm installed capacity of 6170 MW. Land and sea farms were 191 and 7, were installed capacity of 3550 MW and 2620 MW.

Britain is planning to build 274 wind farm installed capacity of nearly 9590 MW. Including land and offshore wind farms were 269 and 5, installed capacity of 7330 MW and 2260 respectively, MW.

Sai Nite offshore wind farms in operation, the total UK onshore and offshore wind generating capacity of more than 5100 megawatts, enough electricity to 300 million households. As the rapid development of wind power, renewable energy in power in the Constitution of the United Kingdom had increased from about 2% in 2002 up to now about 10%. Development at this pace, the United Kingdom’s 2020 30% of its electricity from renewable energy target is achievable.

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