Cell Phone Credit Card Processing – 5 FAQs

Increasing, the world of commerce is becoming credit and debit card-centric. Sure, people still pay for goods and services by cash and check every day. But, using plastic to make purchases is more common than it has ever been. In fact, well over $2 trillion worth of transactions are made in the United States each year.

If your business does not yet accept credit cards, you are almost certainly passing up on excellent sales opportunities for your company that you should be taking advantage of. Many customers will simply refuse to make a purchase unless they can use their preferred method of payment – the credit card.

But, what should you do if you have a mobile business – one that is not tethered to a particular brick-and-mortar location? After all: you cannot use a traditional “wired” terminal if you are going to be out and about, meeting customers while on the go.

Fortunately, wireless terminals have been around for a long time and service this very purpose. Standard wireless terminals are particularly well-suited for businesses like open air market vendors and taxicabs. But, what if you need to be even lighter on your feet than what a standard wireless terminal offers? Fortunately, for you, there is the option of cell phone credit card processing.

If you are interested in cell phone credit card processing, here are 5 FAQs:

1. What is cell phone credit card processing?
A: As the name implies, this method of wireless payment processing allows you to leverage your existing cell phone or land line for the purpose of accepting credit payments from customers.

2. Do I need any special equipment?
A: There is no need to carry around any clunky special equipment, such as is the case with standard wireless terminals. You can use your cell phone’s own touch pad to enter payment data. Or, get an optional card swiper unit that connects to your phone and allows you to read a client’s card easily and quickly.

3. Do I have to pay long distance charges?
A: There are no long distance charges involved when you process a payment. You simply accept the payment via your phone by calling a special phone number. The rest is taken care of for you – with no special charges made to your mobile phone account.

4. How secure is it for my customers to pay me this way?
A: The highest levels of data encryption are leveraged with this type of service. This means that you never have to worry about your customer’s card data becoming lost, stolen or leaked to hackers or other unauthorized people.

5. How fast do I get paid?
A: Once the transaction has been processed, your funds will be deposited into your checking account within two business days. This means no waiting around for an unnecessarily long time to get paid. It’s your money, and you get access to it right away.

If you are considering accepting credit cards but aren’t sure of the best way to do so for your on-the-go style business, cell phone credit card processing is a smart way to go.

Author Bio: Find out more on how to start processing credit cards online for your business at: Accept Credit Cards Online.

Category: Finances
Keywords: Cell Phone Credit Card Processing,5 FAQs on credit card processing with a cell phone

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