Skin Care – How To Deal With Acne

For some people, acne may not be a big deal. For others, especially teenagers, acne is difficult to deal with. Some teens who have struggled with acne even succumb to depression, and ultimately, suicide. This isn’t to say acne is simple to deal with. It’s just a matter of knowing your own body and knowing the cause of acne. Add to that the wide availability of acne remedies, which you can easily find on the internet, and you are bound to get rid of acne one way or another.

Acne is caused by the trapping of dirt and bacteria in the skin pores. Typically, this happens when the skin oil makes the bacteria stick. We encounter dust all the time, and are prone to every airborne particle. When our the glands under our skin, called the sebaceous glands, produce too much oil, the dirt and bacteria are more likely to stay on the skin. The continuous oil production coats the bacteria, which may get into the skin pores thereby causing acne.

Another underlying cause could be the hormonal imbalance. When your hormonal levels are on a tilt, the sebaceous glands work twice as fast and the same oil overproduction results. If you’ve noticed, when you get less sleep than you should for several days, you’re bound to get pimples. This is because your body supplies you with a steady amount of adrenalin so you don’t bag down due to lack of sleep. That being said, acne can simply be a result of another underlying condition such as stress, diabetes, and PCOS for women; with stress as the major factor in teenage acne.

It is futile to try remedying acne with products like washes and creams if the cause is hormonal imbalance. Why? Acne will simply keep coming back. Hormonal imbalance is usually the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. If you don’t relieve stress, for instance, then you will have abundant amounts of adrenalin at the expense of your body deteriorating. If you eat too much, especially sugary foods, then your insulin levels will rise. Adrenalin and insulin are hormones, and if your body produces too much of them, you should really consider changing your lifestyle.

This isn’t to say that anti-acne products don’t work. You still have the option to get whatever pharmaceutical products you want for your acne to go away. Most of these consist of creams and ointments, while washes, such as the benzoyl peroxide wash, are also available. If you cannot afford these products, or do not wish to spend a lot of money for them, then you can always just go home-based. You can find a lot of home remedies for acne; just look in your kitchen.

Lemon juice has acidic properties that can clean your skin. Peppermint leaves would do the trick as well. If you want the more “gross” approach, rub some cooked oatmeal on your face – seriously. For maintenance, simply wash your skin as often as possible so as to not let too much oil build up.

Author Bio: Sharon Campbell enjoys writing for which sells baby phat scrubs and baby phat lab coats as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: skin care,hormonal imbalance,skin pores,acne remedies,anti-acne products

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