World Economic Pattern For Three Picture Evolution

The international financial crisis erupted two years ago left much of human thinking, the market is being hit “Wall Street Ⅱ” movie again the topic into the public view. Is different from year to year, 2010, drawing on the world economy and trade touch of bright color recovery, but also have drawn on the world economy may “double dip” of concern. So, the world economy after the financial crisis will show the world what kind of look it? Let us sort out a little.

Picture of the world economic structure to the evolution of the three

Crisis, the world economy into a major adjustment, an important period of great change, economic globalization and the overall pattern of international division of labor will not be a big change, but the local fine-tuning has been quietly under way.

Picture one: economic globalization and governance to strengthen the direction of the evolution of norms.

The current international financial crisis is deeper look at the crisis of globalization itself, the inherent limitations of the market correcting itself can not guide the orderly development of globalization, leading to the globalization process from the “opportunity” into the “high-fat period.” Irreversible process of globalization, the increasingly close economic ties with countries in the case, the main national summit by the Group of Twenty (G20) and other ways to strengthen global governance, trying to become more healthy development of economic globalization on track.

First, economic globalization and inject new elements. The crisis showed that the New Deal as a starting point to Nixon, IT and Internet revolution to vigorously promote the pursuit of liberalization of pitfalls, too. Crisis, more and more countries into the economic development of moral and cultural factors, such as the EU attaches importance to solve the problem of poor differentiation, such as the United States pay more attention to jobs, which makes Globalization is no longer the sole objective of the quest for profit, began and environmental protection, education, health, employment, reduce differences between rich and poor social integration, to a more balanced direction.

Second, a means of increasing government intervention in the economy. Crisis, governments of the enterprise and the market supervision of the temporary intervention measures of normalization, and urge enterprises to shoulder more social responsibility, to take care of public interests, reduce the social risks. The European Union have launched initiatives to strengthen financial supervision, the U.S. announced the New Deal financial regulation, regulatory issues in Europe and America in the political consensus is being expanded, the United States through the prevention of recurrence of financial crisis “financial regulatory reform bill,” which is the first time since 1930 the United States to reform the financial system means that the U.S. financial industry will follow the liberal line of significant changes. European Committee on Banking Supervision has released the pressure on European banks to test the scope and standards.

Third, the new contradictions and conflicts increased. Countries to strengthen coordination and cooperation will initially unprecedented strengthening of the recovery first but then emerging countries and not yet fully out of recession in Europe and America the threat of competitive factors between countries increased, decreased willingness to cooperate. Major Western countries generally face greater political and public pressure, the policy give more consideration to the interests of domestic enterprises and industries, the leaders of more from the internal affairs approach to international issues, such as the U.S. deal with Toyota quality, clamor for the RMB exchange rate; the French initiative carbon tax and so on.

Picture two: the international economic power, “Dongsheng West down” further strengthened.

Before the crisis, the world economy seems to realize win-win situation all parties. Crisis, the world economy changes, the U.S. economy a “jobless recovery” of domestic public support rate down deep and slow the peace process in the Middle East, Iranian nuclear and many other problems. EU hit by the crisis, healed, a sovereign debt crisis of the mud, rescue measures misconduct, slow economic recovery, the euro area weakened the internal cohesion. Western power and influence continue downward trend, self-confidence and superior feel the setback, alert, anxious, restless mind serious policy was in care, increased social conflicts, social conservative thought, all kinds of protectionism, and even to seek outside passed the crisis, looking for a scapegoat.

In contrast, the economic strength of emerging countries are translated into political power, the right to speak on the rise. Economic recovery in emerging countries generally faster overall to maintain good momentum of development, continue to narrow the gap with the developed countries the strength to strive to further increase awareness of equal status, influence on international affairs is growing. The fall of 2008, the most serious financial crisis in the mechanism of the formation of G20 and the Copenhagen climate change conference reflects the transfer of power as a symbol of global, international balance of power towards the direction of the relative balance of “re-shuffle.”

Picture three: The world is a profound adjustment of industry structure.

Peak of the crisis of global market structure, changes in consumption habits impact of the automobile, IT, biotechnology, environmental protection and aviation industries as the leading, start a new round of restructuring and reorganization. Consumers are increasingly the vehicle as a simple means of transport, environmental protection, light small cars become mainstream, the automotive industry to start a new cultural revolution, the major auto companies to form strategic alliances and partners, the goal is to small cars and the forefront of research and development of new energy vehicles. In addition, the major countries have to accelerate economic restructuring, promotion of the virtual economy and real economy, exports and consumption of balanced development, increase investment in emerging strategic industries, and strive to create new economic growth point. Low-carbon economy, green economy, digital economy has become an important development. After the United States after the introduction of the national innovation strategy, Europe, Japan, Russia, India and Brazil have also introduced their own innovation strategy. Science and technology innovation as parties to promote industrial upgrading and enhance the international competitiveness of the principal means. Global industrial transfer and deepening of international division of labor more developed countries trying to maintain the development of latecomer advantage of the power of emerging and developing countries to enhance their own potential for further development around the future development of the increasingly fierce competition for high ground.

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