Some Genital Warts Remedies Available in the Market Today

A lump is produced when a virus attacks the skin cells. The end result is a lump that can be reddish in color and quite itchy and is commonly known as warts. When the virus becomes large in numbers it can now damage the skin and has the potential to infect other persons because it is highly contagious.

The warts potential for transmission is very easy. It can be transferred to another person by touch alone. The virus that is responsible for the warts can easily attach itself to the skin and once there it can propagate itself until they can cause damage to the skin.

Warts are classified into two categories. They can either be facial warts or genital warts yet it was also observed that they can grow to the other parts of the body. Warts although harmless in most cases should be treated immediately and cures for facial and cures for genital warts should immediately be undertaken.

Although generally harmless, warts can cause unsightly lump and redness in the skin. Facial and genital wart medication should immediately be applied for health and aesthetic purposes. But there are also instances specifically for genital warts to mutate into something deadly and can cause cancer in people.

This also the main reason why having warts should be avoided at all costs.

Medical science tells us that warts can be caused by various types of viruses. There are currently 60 different strains of virus that can cause warts and more than ten of these can help propagate the cancerous cells in the skin. For women cervical cancer is the most common end result and for the men penile cancer can be produced.

The most common wart is the so-called verruca or plantar wart. Verruca or plantar warts are usually found at the bottom of the foot. Because of the moist and warm condition of enclosed feet, these warts can thrive in that condition.

When viewed closely, plantar warts can be seen as having netted veins that run throughout the warts. Aside from this, plantar warts can appear as a small pinkish lump with a hard surface resembling like a cauliflower.

Genital warts are those warts that can be found near the periphery of the genital area. These genital warts can be found near the opening of the vagina or can also be found inside the vagina or more specifically in the cervix. For the males meanwhile it can manifest itself around the penis.

Genital warts belong to the sexually transmitted disease category. They can easily be transferred from one person to another especially thru unprotected sexual contact and having multiple sexual partners.

The market for genital warts remedies offers many solutions to cure this problem. Among these are the applications of genital wart medication. These medications contain chemicals that can destroy the virus at their level. These are usually available over the counter.

Another way still is the use of the so-called liquid nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen can freeze the warts and once frozen the warts can be physically removed and separated from the skin. On the other hand instead of freezing the warts, some doctors utilize cauterization. This requires the burning of the warts thru the use of electricity. Just a few sessions of these methods can effectively be a way for genital warts remedies.

Before any form of treatment should be availed for genital warts it is always best to consult first with your doctor. They are trained to give the appropriate prescription suitable to the person’s condition and tolerance for the chosen medication.

Women, especially those 35 years old and above should have an annual pap smear done to determine any abnormalities in their reproductive system. Doctors can visually determine if they have genital warts or not. They could also avail of the so-called colposcopy. Colposcope is an instrument that is used for viewing the inside of the vagina as well as of the cervix.

Treatments can vary depending on the tolerance of the person. Doctors are in a best position to determine the most effective cures for genital warts.

Author Bio: Article by Matthew McMillan of, a website with the best genital warts home remedy and genital wart removal information on the web.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: curing genital warts, genital warts cures, genital wart remover

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