The Best Yeast Infection Medication Will Not Work Unless You Can Make a Proper Diagnosis

Some say that yeast infection is irritating; others say that is embarrassing. I would say that it is dangerous! True, it is not dangerous as long as it is superficial. However, it does not take more than cuts and breaks on the upper surface of the skin to become systemic and life threatening! So if you have yeast infection, medically termed as Candidiasis, go to the doctor and have it diagnosed first.

Many people start using yeast infection home remedy that is so easy to get on the mere assumption that the itching and white discharge that they are experiencing in the vaginal area is from yeast infection. However, it may be due to bacterial vaginosis also. In fact, bacterial vaginosis is more common than vaginitis, the vaginal Candidiasis. Although they have the same symptom, they will naturally need different treatment. Therefore, it is wiser to have it diagnosed first.

Although the vaginitis is the most common form of candidiasis, you can have yeast infection anywhere that stays warm and moist for along period. Though very rare, men can have on their penis too. You will have red itching burning rash at the end of the penis or under the fore skin.

Oral thrush or candidiasis in the oral cavity is also very common, especially in babies and elder people who wear dentures. It manifests itself first as redness of the tongue, palette and inside of the cheek, followed by a thick whitish covering which is hard to remove. You can also have them in the pharynx or esophagus, the gastrointestinal tract and in the urinary bladder.

Candidiasis is less complicated and more easily treated with yeast infection home remedy when it occurs in the folds of the skin, like under the breast, between the toes, arm pits etc. In such places, it first occurs as red itchy rash. This is soon replaced by scalloped edged rash with a burning sensation.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria living in our body. These live microbial organisms protect our body from different diseases, including yeast infection. You can supplement the probiotics in different ways. You can get probiotic oral supplements. However, yoghurt, which contains a large amount of probiotics called Lactobacilli acidophilus, is the best supplement that is available today. It is one of the best natural yeast infection cures available.

For best result, make the yoghurt at home. Mix a little commercially available yoghurt in tepid warm milk and set it aside in room temperature until it is set. Do not use the card maker, for that may kill the probiotic. Instead, keep the bowl warm for a longer time by covering it with some warm cloth, if necessary.

Include the yoghurt in your daily diet. Garlic also has antifungal property. You can have that as well as cranberry daily. However, yoghurt, garlic and cranberry are good for external use also.

You can soak a tampon in yoghurt and insert it in the vagina for one hour. You can use it as cream on other parts of the body as well. Other than yoghurt garlic, cranberry juice, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, oil of oregano and tea tree oil are some effective natural yeast infection cures that can be used locally.

Crush garlic before you insert it inside the vagina. Make it into a paste before using it on other parts. You can make a tampon out of it too by wrapping peeled garlic in cheesecloth and then tying it with unwaxed dental floss. You can leave a bit of floss for taking it out easily. Leave that inside the vagina for the whole night.

You can buy tea tree oil from health stores. Pour a few drops on a lubricated tampon and insert it in the vagina. Alternatively, you can dip a tampon in diluted tree tea oil. Tree tea oil must be diluted before using it anywhere. Dilute lemon juice and apple cider vinegar too.

If you do not have faith in simple home remedies, you can buy good yeast infection medication. There are basically three types of yeast infection medication.

1. ovules or tablets that are inserted inside the vagina
2. creams that are applied locally
3. oral drugs

The last variety is generally prescription drugs that include clotrimazole, nystain, fluconazole and ketoconazole. Homeopathic medicine like Yeastrol and herbal medicines like Lasuna and is said to be very effective too.

Boric acid capsules or Shaklee’s garlic tablets are effective for inserting into the vagina. Tea tree oil can also be found as suppositories.

Creams are for soothing the itches. You can some wonderful over the counter creams. However, there is no harm in using the natural yeast infection cures and home remedies along with this yeast infection medication. However, they will not work, if your diagnosis is incorrect.

Author Bio: Article by Sarah Lomas of, a website with the best home remedies for yeast infection and natural remedy for yeast infection information on the web.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Yeast infection home remedy, natural yeast infection cures, yeast infection medication

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