Do Eight Glasses of Water a Day Keeps You Healthy?

Whenever you get health tips, the first recommendation is; drink eight glasses of water a day. Everyone knows for sure that keeping yourself hydrated is essential, but why does it have to be eight glasses of water? It is believed that drinking lots of water is really essential for maintaining the health of the body. Even the professionals of jobs in CNA or caregiver jobs also hire individuals who understand the importance of keeping the patient hydrated. Surprisingly, other beverages like coffee, tea, soda or even orange juice do not count in the eight glass water criteria.

There is no denying that every individual needs to have a sufficient intake of water. But, does this mean you need to take 64 ounces of water daily? The answer is, not necessarily. It is believed that the water in our bodies is kept under a balance through an internal system. However, this is not true in all cases.

According to some scientists, people with health concerns can have problems in maintaining the balance of water inside the body. For those who have kidney stones or the tendency to develop other urinary tract infections, drinking lots of water surely helps.

On the contrary, some recent studies have proved that there is no need for healthy individuals to take eight glasses of water a day. It is just a myth that got carried away. There has been no scientific evidence as yet that can prove the benefits of drinking increased amounts of water.

To make it clearer, let us dig in to some science about this belief. This can help you find some more answers. Initially, it was suggested that a person should consume one millimeter of water for each calorie they consume. The math here is quite simplified. In your daily diet, you consume around 1900 Calories which drive the consumption of 1900 ml of water. Now this amount is around 64 ounces which makes eight glasses of water. So this is where this eight glass notion started from.

However, most of the people failed to notice one critical point here. They did not bring into consideration a fact that our food also has a sufficient amount of water. Therefore a greater part of water requirement can easily be met through the food you consume.

Another piece of evidence shows that much of the daily requirement is met by different drinks and electrolytes consumed. These include tea, milk, soda, fruits, etc. after consuming water from all these varied sources, it is hard to know exactly how much more water you need. Let us just say your thirst is your guide to your hydration needs.

Those who support the eight glass theory present the point that thirst is not such a good indicator for hydration requirements. They claim that most people fail to recognize their body signals when they are dehydrated.

Besides, some people take medicinal drugs which cause big hindrance to thirst regulation. Also take into consideration that elderly people do not have the same level of thirst as the younger ones do. So technically, there is no need to count those glasses of water you take each day. Just follow your instincts, and let your thirst guide you.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter recently used a professional service to find Phoenix jobs in CNA for a friend who is in need of a job. His daughter was pleased to see many Pittsburgh caregiver jobs available.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Phoenix jobs in CNA,Pittsburgh caregiver jobs

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