Parenting is Not Just Educating

The youth are confronted with many social challenges nowadays. These issues range from violence, sexuality, education, and health to name some. Although there are institutions that provide for their proper guidance, they are also faced with competitions for influences coming from the media and peers. In fact, in some cases, the two main institutions responsible for the rearing and education of the child, the school and family, point fingers to each other passing on the blame.

A child who committed a mistake at school will hear his teachers saying, “is that the way you were raised by your parents?” and when he got home and committed another mistake, he will hear his parents asking, “is that what you learned from school?” Indeed, it is the child who suffered most from this situation for he is deprived of the proper training and education he should have received from these potent influential institutions.

Parenting includes both rearing and education. This is not to say that the teachers in the aforementioned situation are correct. But the statement only supports the contention that parents are primarily obliged and responsible for their children. They are the ones who brought the child to this world with nobody forcing them to do so. Hence, it is their social and moral duty to society and the child to provide him the proper upbringing so that he will grow to be a useful member of society. These social issues our children are confronting cannot be addressed by mere education alone.

The parents should primarily be there for their child as they begin exploring the bigger world. They are tasked to introduce the child to proper channels of information and learning and warn them of the evils of society that may destroy their future. Parenting is more than teaching. It involves loving, caring, and understanding. There is no greater pay for the parents’ efforts than to see their children successful and morally upright. As such, parents should know the proper parenting for their children. Since the kids have differences in levels of development, parenting should suit the rate and level of understanding and comprehension that the kid has so that whatever is taught shall be absorbed by the kid. However, for love, care, and understanding, these factors do not have specific level of development for the parents to show them such feelings. In fact, these should be observed in every undertaking they will have with their children.

Parenting, therefore, involves the rearing, supporting, and educating the child for his social, mental, emotional, and physical development. Moreover, this process does not only utilize the teacher-student interaction, but more so it a very personalized and intimate manner of dealing with the child to support his growth.

Proper parenting is the most effective way to ensure the timely, if not advanced development of our children and to make sure that they are capable of responsibly handling and confronting the social concerns that affect their generation. Parents’ roles are limited by time but once parenting is proper, no matter how old they are, the children will always continue to consider and seek the advice of their parents in dealing with some serious issues.

Author Bio: Ethan Mark Henkel enjoys writing for Home and Bedroom Furniture which sells Discount Platform Beds and Simmons Beautyrest Classic as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Parenting
Keywords: parenting includes,proper parenting,good parenting,parenting tips

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