How My Leaf Vacuum Shredder is Saving Me From the Nut House… Maybe

What the heck is a leaf vacuum shredder anyway… sounds like some type of morphodite contraption that might swarm and end civilization altogether! LOL.

I don’t know about you but one of the biggest reasons I disliked the fall season (besides the end of being warm and the in laws visiting) is all the leaves I have to deal with on my property. How the heck are you supposed to clean them up anyway?

When I rake them up in piles not only do I get blisters on my hands but I am all worn out before I am even half way through. Oh and I forgot to mention that my dogs (who look at me with glee) like to roll and play in the piles and spread them out again. When I chase them with my rake like some kind of raving lunatic they just happily run around the yard in circles even causing more damage to the work I have already done!

The above is only the start of my effort in futility… like a circus clown I try to shovel the piles of leaves into big black garbage bags that refuse to cooperate by falling over and puking out their contents whenever they get anywhere past half full.

And my shovels… they conspire against me… one is too small to actually pick up more than a dozen leaves at a time and the other is so big that there is no way to pour it’s contents into the floppy mouths of those big black bags! I could really use an extra hand or two but both of my kids refuse to be seen anywhere around this clown and having a morbid aversion to work have already run for the hills to hide.

Now I have these big black bags that are as bulky as your favorite sumo wrestler that I have to drag out to the curb for trash pick-up. On the way there I catch the edge of one of the stepping stones and leave a trail of leaves to where I am standing at the curb… I thought that bag was feeling lighter as I progressed. Now my dogs are sitting on the front steps waiting for me to rake up the newest mess so they can start playing all over again.

Maybe I should end my rant right here before I drive you to the hills (say “hi” to my kids will ya) and you miss out on the solution to this leafy issue.

Like a school boy for summer vacation, I now pine for fall since I got my leaf vacuum shredder. In fact I picked up two of them. A hand held for the smaller tight areas and a walk behind one for the larger open areas. I have tossed my rakes and shovels into the black hole of my garden shed and my hands are now blister free. Oh… and the pups are shaking in their little doggie coups the whole time the leaf vacuum shredders are working… pay-back is sweet! And these leaf vacuum shredders reduce the volume of those nasty leaves, bagging them in a more manageable size. I almost want to clean up my neighbors leaves…NOT!

Author Bio: Want to get a jump on those leaves before they take over? Get the skinny on which Leaf Vacuum Shredder would best suit your needs and make your life easier. Visit Robert’s site at Your kids and neighbors will thank you… not the pups! Oh well two out of three aint bad.

Category: Gardening
Keywords: Leaf Vacuum Shredder,Leaf Vacuum,Yard Leaf Vacuum

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