Free Ways to Increase Website Traffic – 5 Free Ways

Websites live and die by visitor traffic. Your website is no exception. You can have featured on your site the best, most compelling content pertaining to your niche available anywhere. But, if you are not successful at driving traffic, you will simply not achieve the results you are looking for.

Many people wonder about the best ways to find ways to increase website traffic without having to spend a lot of money. In fact, there are some 100% free ways to drive traffic to your site.

Of course, nothing is truly free. That is because free traffic-driving methods require your time. And, to do anything effectively, you will have to put in some work to achieve results. But, if you are short on funds and have the time, learning to master the free traffic-driving methods below will pay off handsomely. In fact, free methods can be as effective as paid methods – sometimes even more so.

If you are looking for free ways to increase website traffic, here are 5 free ways:

1. Research your competitor’s websites for tips on SEO and improving conversions:
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. While you should never copy any content from your competitors’ sites, it is highly-recommended that you find out what your successful competitors are doing well in terms of site structure and content.

So, run a quick search in a major search engine site using keywords that are relevant to your site and see which competitors come up high on the results page. Then, carefully examine each of these websites and look for details such as: meta tags (keywords, title and description), use of target keywords in body copy, and page layout and structure. Take notes and apply the best ideas to your site.

2. Use a free keyword research tool to unearth attractive target keywords:
One of the most essential elements of traffic-building efforts is to target visitors looking for information pertaining to highly-specific keywords. These “long-tail” keywords are the ones that people will respond to, so your site needs to be optimized for them. Get your hands on a free keyword research tool and use it to quickly generate lists of hundreds of targeted keywords with which to optimize your on-site and off-site content.

Important: a good keyword tool will show you not only how many daily searches a given long-tail keyword gets, but also how many other sites feature that keyword. This is called competition research, and it is an essential element in developing a list of desirable keywords with which to optimize your content. Some free keyword tools only show you search counts, but not competition counts.

3. Write articles and post to free, high-quality eZine sites:
Next, use the keywords found in #2 above and bake them into article titles. Write articles 400-600 words in length and post them to high-qualify eZine sites.*

* eZine websites are those sites that allow people to post content for free, allowing those people who administer e-mail-based newsletters to re-use that content for free. It’s a win-win setup that gets your content out to the masses – with handy backlinks to your site for driving lots of traffic!

4. Create a free blog:
There are some excellent free blog sites out there. Create a blog using a title garnered from your targeted keyword list (#2 above). Then, write a new post once every 2-5 days. Posts can be short (50-150 words) or longer (200-500 words). Be sure to optimize your posts with those same target keywords.

5. Aggregate content using RSS feeds:
RSS feeds are a wonderful invention in this Web 2.0 world we live in. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. These feeds are essentially a way for consumers of content to get ongoing updates on items of interest on other sites without having to visit those sites directly.

Idea: create a “news aggregator” page on your website. Post RSS feeds from other blogs, article sites, etc. What you will be creating is a relevant, useful page on your site about your target niche that will encourage other people to backlink to it. Backlinks not only drive traffic, but are also an important element in achieving strong Web rankings.

Consider these 5 free ways to increase your website traffic.

Author Bio: Need more traffic? Drive tons more targeted traffic to your site with the Web’s leading tool that makes traffic-driving a science at: Get Highly-Targeted Traffic.

Category: Internet
Keywords: Free Ways To Increase Website Traffic – 5 Free Ways

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