Ask Yourself What Kinds of Impaired Driving Are There

Many people are under the misunderstanding that the only way to be an impaired driver is if they have consumed alcohol. Although drunk driving is a huge problem in this country, drinking and driving is not the only way for a driver to be impaired. Many people ask what kinds of impaired driving are there, when this subject comes up. There are many. Anything that affects the judgment or reaction while driving a car is considered impairment, and every licensed driver needs to be aware of what they are.

Of course, there is drinking and driving. Most people who drink and drive feel that they are not intoxicated and can drive safely. The fact of the matter is that just a little alcohol can affect a person’s reaction time and judgment when dealing with decisions made on the road. Drinking should never be an activity that one does without knowing that they have a ride home.

People can become impaired from the medication that they are taking. Prescription medication is often the culprit in many auto accidents. Millions of people are taking daily medications and do not think twice about how it may affect them as a driver. When an accident happens, they don’t even consider that their medications could have played a part in their delayed reactions while driving. Be very aware of the medications that you are taking, and make sure that it will not affect you in this manner.

There are those who take the occasional pain killer for that achy back that bothers them from time to time. Pain killers can also affect people this way. It slows down the reactions to situations that would otherwise need a quick thinker. It can impair judgment and the availability of someone to be more clear in the decisions that they are making.

Another big problem that causes driving distractions is lack of sleep. So many people are fighting the clock when they are busy working or going to school. Some people work two or three jobs, which leave them little time to get their eight hours of sleep in. When they are driving, there can be a variety of things happen that would require a quick response, but if you are sleep deprived, it can cause a delay, which could result in a collision. Sleep, or lack of it can be a huge issue with drivers.

For those who use their cell phone while driving, this is an accident waiting to happen. There are laws in some states that forbid cell phone usage when driving, but many times drivers ignore it. This is a big distraction and has been known, and proven to cause serious accidents, and even death. Cell phones should not be used while driving. Texting falls under this same category, but is actually worse because when people text, the drivers eyes have to come off of the road. This is another area where serious and fatal accidents have happened when they were completely avoidable.

Distractions while driving are unacceptable. If there is something that needs to be said or done, do it before you get in the car. That way, your total attention will be with the task at hand, driving to the destination and getting there in one piece.

It is the responsibility of all of us to get into our cars and drive in the safest manner possible. Nothing is more important than knowing we are sharing the road with others, and our full attention needs to be on driving and the ability to react and correct ourselves in a timely manner. Don’t take chances with your life, or the lives of others. For those who don’t realize what kinds of impaired driving are there, do a little research so that you are clear. It will help everyone stay safe.

About the author, Keep your criminal record clean hire DUI Lawyers or Impaired Driving Lawyers, drinking and driving is a crime.

Author Bio: Keep your criminal record clean hire DUI Lawyers or Impaired Driving Lawyers, drinking and driving is a crime.

Category: Legal
Keywords: impaired, driving, record, fine, crime, alcohol, drugs

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