How to Remove a Wart – 2 Super Easy Home Cures For Wart Removal

How to remove a wart with two simple home remedies is the subject of today’s article. Getting rid of a wart is not that hard, though you will need a little patience at times, and a desire to see things through to the end.

Let’s begin with: what is a wart?

A wart is no more that a small skin infection of the human papillomavirus, or HPV. It is everywhere in the environment, and you can pick it up from other infected people through ordinary contact.

They can show up anywhere on your body. They range from small, rough protuberances on the face or torso, to whitish looking flat spots on the soles of you feet.

Adult warts tend to persist, and we may need to take action to get rid of them. Warts in children are extremely common, and come and go rapidly without intervention from us.

Warts are nothing to worry about. No one ever died from warts, though some folks feel a little depressed because they can spoil one’s looks. But you need never worry that a wart is going to do you serious harm.

That said, if you ever feel really concerned about anything appearing on your skin, a trip to your doctor is the best reassurance. Do not hesitate.

Assuming you have a wart, your doctor can prescribe various medications to treat them, and can even refer you for laser therapy, cryotherapy, or even surgery if necessary.

While these sorts of medical treatments have a great track record, they can involve you in time, trouble and expense. You may not feel that your situation warrants this type of intervention yet.

So… why not try these two simple home cures before going to all that hassle?

Our first remedy has the fancy name of “occlusion therapy”. Also known as the “duct tape method”, it is based on the notion of starving a wart of oxygen, and so killing it.

This is what you do: Wash the affected area with soap and water. Dry thoroughly and apply a small piece of duct tape. Duct tape is made of heavy plastic, and is air and water impermeable.

Change the tape daily, and keep the area clean and dry. After a week or ten days, gently scrape off any dead tissue which may have built up. Continue this treatment until you are satisfied with the result.

The other home cure involves apple cider vinegar. This easily obtained foodstuff has been used as a home disinfectant for sore throats for decades, and many people swear by it.

Simply wash the area in a solution of warm water and apple cider vinegar, or even straight vinegar if you like- it won’t do you any harm.

Continue for several weeks until you are happy with the result. The theory is that vinegar, as a natural disinfectant, will kill off the virus and so rid you of your wart.

It is possible that one or the other of these remedies may do the job for you. If not, talk to your local naturopath to see what other natural remedies are on the market. Some of these have demonstrable efficacy, some perhaps not.

And if none of these work out for you, then talk to your local druggist or doctor. Now may be the time to roll out the “big guns” for wart removal!

Author Bio: Jim Evans is a mole and wart removal expert. For more great information on how to remove a wart visit

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: how to remove wart, wart removal, HPV, duct tape method, occlusion therapy

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