Dog Illnesses and Problems

What are some of the illnesses and problems your dog can develop? Some are similar to the illnesses that people get and they need to be treated immediately. The longer they are left, the worse they can become.

One of the problems that dogs can develop are ear infections. This is actually pretty common in dogs and is more so in dogs with longer, floppy ears. The structure of a dog’s ear is long and horizontal. This can affect moisture because it does not allow the optimal draining. Therefore, the air does not circulate as freely and this sets up the perfect infection breeding ground.

When you notice tear stains becoming more frequent or if the ear wax is reddish brown or smells bad, you need to take your dog to the vet right away. They will sometimes scratch their ears and shake their head. These are a couple of the symptoms of ear infections.

Dogs can have excessive dander which may cause them to scratch constantly. There are some products available such as supplement. However, they do not generally work that well. If this is a problem, you will want to discuss this with your veterinarian and see what they can recommend to relieve this problem.

Kennel cough is another problem that is highly contagious and is an infection of the respiratory tract of dogs. The symptom is a dry, chronic and hacking cough. You may also see a bit of blood in the mucous of the dog. If you think your dog may have this, you should see your vet right away. This is often spread from contact in pet stores and other places where there are many puppies and dogs together. It can be prevented with a vaccination.

Is your dog diabetic? Yes, dogs can have diabetes as well as people. They may even have to have an insulin shot the same as we do. There are diet and exercise programs that can help. Follow the guidelines set forth by your veterinarian as they are specifically for your dog. They can live to be a healthy old age if taken care of correctly.

Heartworms are another thing that dog owners worry about and rightly so. An adult heartworm can live in your pet from 5 to 7 years. If your dog is not treated, they can kill him so it is imperative that you seek treatment. The heartworm is transmitted to your dog through a mosquito bite. If you live in an area where there are many mosquitoes, you should use a heartworm preventative medication.

Mange is another problem that is caused by mites. This can cause the dog to scratch constantly. It sometimes manifests in the form of dry, scaly skin and sometimes the dog’s hair falls out. There is a type called notoedric mange that can be spread to humans.

Most types can be taken care of fairly simply if they are treated early enough. Your vet will most likely take a skin sample and check it under a microscope for the symptoms of mange. As with many problems that dogs face, most can be taken care of by visiting your vet regularly and keeping an eye on your dog for the symptoms they display.

Author Bio: Kelly Marshall is a popular contributor at – where you can find dog beds, pet dog feeders, pet ramps, and more unique dog gear that you’ll never find at your local pet store.

Category: Pets
Keywords: dogs,dog health,dog illnesses,dog problems,dog health care,dog diabetes

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