Eczema and Its Chronic Stages

Eczema refers to general condition of the skin resulting in inflammation, skin swelling red and itchy skin. It can affect the any age group but is more common in babies. The most normal form of eczema is atopic dermatitis that is found to some allergic reaction to the skin.

Causes of Eczema:

Eczema when is in its chronic stage results in the swelling and redness of the skin along with the formation of minute vesicles. During this the skin becomes into crust leading to the accumulation of colorless discharge. It is found to be the itching and painful stage of the skin.

Home Remedies for Curing Eczema:

Mango: For curing eczema, mango too acts as an effective home remedy. It is suggested that decoction of mango made with water should be strained and applied over the affected for numerous times every day.

Musk Melon: For curing eczema, musk melon proves an effective home remedy. It is advised that person should be on musk melon diet for 41 days and consuming it thrice in a day. Moreover, it is suggested to apply the musk melon juice over the affected are to have instant pain relief.

Vegetable Juices: Vegetables juices prove an effective remedy for curing eczema. It is advised that the juice of carrot mixed with spinach juice should be consumed everyday to have beneficial results.

Finger Millet Leaves: The juice of finger millet leaves proves as an effective home remedy for curing eczema. It is advised to apply this juice over the affected area to have beneficial results.

Safflower Oil: Safflower oil being rich in linoleic acid is really beneficial in treating eczema. It is advised that two tablespoons of safflower oil should be consumed everyday to have beneficial results.

Blackstrap Molasses: To cure eczema blackstrap molasses proves as an effective home remedy. It is advised that two tablespoon of molasses should consumed with milk two tines everyday nearly for 15 days to get effective results.

Dietary Recommendations for Curing Eczema:

To overcome eczema it is advised to follow the proper dietary regimen. For the first ten days it is advised that the patient should be fasting on orange juice and water. This will help in the elimination of toxins out of the body.

After the juice the patient should start the intake of salt free raw or steamed vegetables whole meal bread or chapattis and fruits. For cooking it is suggested to use coconut oil instead of ghee or refined oil. Later on the person may switch over to nutritious and balanced diet including nuts, seeds, grains, fruits and vegetables. The patient should strictly avoid coffee, tea, condiments, sugar, denatured cereals, alcohol, white flour and flavored dishes.

Apart from this, the patient may try sunbathing, application of mud pack, cold compress, cold wet fomentations and hot fomentations to soothe the irritable pain over the affected area. The patient should breathe as much as fresh air as he can. He or she should bath two or three times every day.

Thus, curing eczema naturally is an easy task for you now with the above mentioned home remedies.

Author Bio: The author has been a professional writer for many years and is proud to work on behalf of Cure Gout, visit author’s website Gout Remedies to find more about Gout Remedies.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: uric acid, gout attack, uric acid crystals, charcoal poultice, uric acid accumulation, intolerable pain

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