Balanced Skincare Starts With Nourishing the Skin

Using a balanced skincare product is not unlike balancing your diet, except that the better manufacturers make it easier for you. They select the appropriate nutrients. You simply follow the application directions.

Why are nutrients important? The skin’s cells are quite similar to those of the rest of your body. The body needs the same nutrients to make them. The same molecules damage them. The same nutrients help to prevent or repair damage.

One of the nicest things about the skin’s cells is that they are replaced on a regular basis; daily, weekly, monthly, throughout a person’s life. Old cells are pushed out by new ones and sloughed off at a very high rate. The old cells are actually a major component of house dust. That’s how many you lose on a daily basis.

Losing old cells is not a bad thing. If the cells were not sloughed off, the skin would start to look dull and old. Regular washing is really all that is necessary to support the natural cell removal process. But a gentle exfoliant like sea salt can be used once a month to stimulate it.

If you have a tendency towards blackheads or whiteheads, select a balanced skincare deep cleansing product for use on a bi-weekly basis. The ingredients to look for include kaolin and bentone gel. They are clay extracts that help to pull dirt and toxins out of the pores. It is clogged pores that cause blackheads and whiteheads. Clogged pores also play a role in acne.

Active manuka honey can be found in some of the better deep cleansing masks and in nourishing night creams. You might not like the idea of using a night cream, because you remember your mom layering on the cold cream.

Cold cream is not a balanced skincare product. It is actually nothing more than white petroleum jelly (petrolatum) and some fragrance ingredients. Today’s nourishing night creams support the skin’s natural rejuvenation processes, many of which go on while you sleep.

When you are awake, your body is busy generating and transporting energy to the cells. It must keep you digestive system working and your brain cells firing.

While you are sleeping, many of the bodily processes slow down to allow time for replacing or repairing damaged cells. Many of the nutrients necessary for damage repair are antioxidants.

A nutritionally complete and well balanced skincare cream will contain numerous antioxidants, including coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E. Some compounds contain so many different nutrients, it is impossible to decide which is most beneficial. When that is the case, the better manufacturers include the entire compound. Shea butter and avocado extract are examples.

The use of avocado extract has been shown to cause an increase in the skin’s collagen content. Collagen is one of the structural proteins that help to keep the skin thick, firm and smooth.

There are many other individual nutrients and nutrient-rich compounds that better the skin’s health, too many to include them all here. Just remember to look for nutritionally balanced skincare products and avoid the ones containing synthetic chemicals, for safety’s sake.

Author Bio: Valerie Rosenbaum has spent years searching for the best natural skincare products available. The skin care product line she discovered uses a proprietary blend of all natural ingredients like Cynergy TK and Wakame. To learn more visit her anti aging skin care website.

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: balanced skincare

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