Tips on Home Security Essentials

We all want to protect our homes from theft and disaster, but what items are essential for a safe home? When it comes down to it, you should consider any dangers in your region, such as hurricanes or earthquakes that may strike your area. There are also some standard items that you should keep in your home for any emergency situation:

1) Every home should be equipped with several fire extinguishers. One should be located in the kitchen, with another in the garage. In addition to working fire extinguishers, make sure that your home has several working smoke detectors. If you use natural gas for cooking or heating you should also invest in a carbon monoxide detector. Check these items at least once per year to make sure they have working batteries, and that the extinguisher is not in need of replacement.

2) Escape ladders or ropes for second-story windows. If your bedroom is located on the second floor or above, you should invest in an emergency ladder. In the event that the normal route out of your bedroom is blocked by debris or fire, you will want to have an alternate exit plan.

3) Supplies of food and water. This is particularly important in areas prone to earthquakes or hurricanes. Food and water supplies should be enough to sustain the occupants of your home for at least three days. In addition to food, water and batteries, you should also keep basic emergency supplies ranging from medications and toiletries to duct tape and tarps. Consider purchasing an all-in-one emergency kit, and keep it somewhere that will be accessible in the event of an emergency – not buried behind other boxes in the furthest reaches of your garage.

4) A battery-operated radio. In the age of the internet, few people have a radio around their home, but this can be absolutely critical in an emergency situation, regardless of the type of emergency. In times of need it is good to be able to monitor the latest news so that you know what’s going on outside your property. When can you expect the power to come back on? Are people looting the stores downtown? When will the danger pass? These are questions you’ll want to have answered, and that’s why you need a radio with batteries.

5) An emergency plan. What will you do in an emergency? Where will you go? What if your “rally point” is not accessible following the emergency – where will you go then? Take the time to think these ideas through so that you can act quickly in an emergency

6) Other preventive measures. Depending on your family’s situations, these range from deadbolt locks, door and window alarms, and surge protectors to swimming pool alarms and child locks on cabinets. Think about the possible dangers confronting your family – both of the everyday variety and large-scale natural disasters – and take the necessary steps to keep your family safe.

Though it’s certainly not a lot of fun to think about what could happen, this is necessary. Whether you are preparing for hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes are terrorist attacks, there are a great number of things that you can do to ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones.

Author Bio: Resist Attack has a full range of pepper spray both for families and security forces. Also check for current specials on steel batons

Category: Home Management

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