Emerging Economies in International Organizations the Right to Speak

Post-crisis era, the emerging economies will have more opportunities to participate in reshaping the world a more just and rational new order, emerging economies should be more involved in promoting global governance system reform, adjusting the mode of development and strive for more development rights right to speak, work together to build a new international order.

Financial crisis that devastated the global economy. Countries to promote economic recovery, but also be aware of the need to unite more quickly out of the crisis. As an important participant in international economic activities, emerging economies are shaping the global division of labor in important, was the process of democratization in international relations are important demands. Post-crisis era, the emerging economies will have more opportunities to participate in reshaping the world more just and reasonable new order.

Promote the system of global governance reforms to improve the emerging economies in international organizations the right to speak

Global governance refers to the establishment and development of multilateral rules and management system to promote global interdependence and sustainable development. Here to talk about global governance, the main means of international economic cooperation and coordination of institutional mechanisms. Development of economic globalization and the international financial crisis, the international demands for improved global governance is increasing. January 2010, the fortieth annual meeting of World Economic Forum in Davos, the theme of “change the world: to rethink, redesign, re-building” to discuss the core issue is to improve and strengthen the “global governance.” June 2010, the UN report “2010 World Economic and Social Survey: Development Road re-explore the world,” pointed out: the global financial crisis shows the operation of financial markets, institutional failure, the same time, food, fuel, climate, etc. followed by multiple crises, “exposed the global governance challenges in addressing these weaknesses.” The current global governance issues highlighted in the emerging economies and developing countries under the existing international financial order their rights and their contribution to world economic growth does not match.

Global governance institutions are: the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Under the current system, the developed countries dominate the decision-making powers of these international organizations. Emerging economies, particularly in the “BRIC” should seize the opportunity to carry out closer multilateral cooperation, seize the momentum of global governance, and promote the reform of the global governance system. First, the important international organizations seeking to influence. Inequitable distribution of international financial institutions share with the international status of emerging economies very inconsistent. October 2009 the International Monetary Fund decided in January 2011 before the share of emerging markets and developing countries increased by at least 5%. April 2010 the World Bank decided to increase the voting rights of developing countries to 3.13 percentage points to 47.19%. Emerging economies should take this opportunity to jointly developing countries, skill in the game with the developed countries on key issues, emerging economies continue to improve the important issues in international influence. Second is to enhance the international dialogue in the right to speak. G20 play a major role in international cooperation, development and improvement of G20 dialogue mechanism, the emerging economies to promote structural reform of global governance and effective way. Members of the G20, there are 11 emerging economies, “BRIC” is added inside the main body of G20. The financial crisis, G20 from behind the front, marking the current international political situation of the new changes, marking the strength of emerging economies in developed countries with the traditional cooperation to a new level. In a number of important issues, emerging economies should join together to issue a common voice to express the same aspirations, the formation of a new international order to build the power structure.

Work together to oppose trade protectionism and the maintenance of international multilateral free trade system

Globalization is a balance of world development, improve the efficiency of the overall resources of the world to improve the living standards of all mankind an important mechanism. Financial crisis, many developed countries to protect domestic trade, has taken various measures of trade protectionism in disguise, which is not conducive to full recovery of the global economy, but also not conducive to efficient use of global resources, we must adhere to be resisted.

On the one hand, emerging economies of the developing countries should work together, promote trade liberalization, to carry out dialogue and cooperation with developed countries, oppose any form of trade protectionism. Focus is the use of international monitoring and consultation mechanisms to resist trade protectionism in disguise, for developing countries to create a more relaxed international environment. On the other hand, to promote more emerging economies and other developing countries joined the WTO, to strengthen the emerging economies in the WTO’s influence. Extensive coordination, unified position and enhance collective bargaining capacity, promote the Doha Round of trade negotiations, the maintenance of international multilateral free trade system. In emerging economies and other developing countries to establish various forms of inter-or signed bilateral trade agreements free trade, reducing dependence on developed country markets.

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