The Secret to Winning Back Your Ex – What You Need to Know

Do you want to know how to win back your ex? If you’ve recently split up with your significant other, then you may be thinking of how to win him back. If the break up is still fresh, then it may be too soon to even start thinking of getting back together, but after a little while you’ll know when it’s time to try again.

When you are ready to make up with your ex, then you need to go about it correctly.

Men are simple and direct creatures. Women are more complicated and can approach things in a roundabout way. This difference between men and women can lead to misunderstandings, arguments and even break ups.

** Don’t Play The Guess What I’m Feeling Game **

If you want to get back together, you may have to be simple and direct with your ex. Don’t play the guess what I’m feeling or thinking game. You know the one. Your ex has to keep guessing what you’re thinking or feeling because you expect him to be psychic and work out from the tiny bit of information that you do give him exactly what’s on your mind.

This game can go on for hours and there usually isn’t a winner. You may feel frustrated and annoyed that he didn’t guess your feelings correctly, while he may feel the same way because you’re making him play a guessing game instead of directly telling him how you feel.

If you want to communicate well with men, then you need to communicate in the same way they do. So if you want to give your relationship a second chance, then tell him so, simply and directly.

Don’t make him guess what you want from him after the break up, or he may decide that he doesn’t want to get back together with you after all.

Be honest about the feelings you have for him. Sometimes, no matter how much we want it, getting back together simply isn’t an option. So before you spend a lot of time and energy in exploring a reconciliation, make sure that getting back together is in both your best interests.

** Don’t Destroy Your Chance To Win Back Your Ex **

If you want to know how to win him back, one of the worst things you can do is to destroy any chance you have of a reconciliation by showing him how angry you are after the break up.

Sending him an angry email, text, voice mail or letter may make you feel better in the short term, but it can have long term repercussions.

When you ask him for a second chance, he’ll remember anything negative you did after the break up. And receiving angry emails may help reinforce his decision that the split was for the best.

So keep your cool, even though you may feel like raging at him. If you need to let your feelings out, then get a punching bag and really let it have it! By expressing your emotions, you should feel a lot lighter inside and be better able to deal with the break up.

** Don’t Talk About Him Behind His Back **

If you want to get back together with him, then don’t talk about him behind his back. Don’t even think of spreading rumors about him or complaining to his friends and family about his behavior.

It will get back to him that you’ve been telling everyone how you feel about the split. Doing something like this can really ruin your chances of getting him back. If you need to talk, then share your feelings with your trusted friends or family members. If you don’t have anyone you think you can trust, then seeing a counselor can really help.

** How To Win Him Back **

So now you know what not to do if you want to make up with your partner. But how do you win back your ex?

By following the above advice, you’re on your way. You’ve maximized your chances of getting back together by not indulging in bad behavior after the split. Your ex may even be impressed at how well you seem to be handling the break up, which means he may be in a receptive mood when you contact him about getting back together.

As long as you’re honest about your motives in wanting to make up with him and you’re ready to apologize sincerely for anything you did wrong, you have a good chance of saving your relationship. All you need to do is contact him and tell him how you feel.

Author Bio: Save your relationship and learn To Get Him Back now. Author and Licensed Professional Counselor Bob Grant answers your Relationship Questions through his Free email newsletter and his affordable e-books. Get to know Bob at Relationship

Category: Relationships
Keywords: back together,getting back together,getting back,winning back,win back,back together,second chance

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