Five Reasons Why Your Manuscript May Be Rejected

It is a great relief once you are done with your writing task. After all the efforts and challenges in writing, you have finally completed and finished it in no time.

For most aspiring writers, they will feel the same way since they only have few experiences in writing. But the truth is, there is more yet to come and the pressure and challenges will eventually proceed to a whole new level.

Writing a manuscript can be made anytime and anywhere and you don’t have any worries about it. You have an ample of time to finish it right away and there’s no need to hurry.

Once you submit your work, it will be frustrating to know that your manuscript has been rejected. It will be hard to accept the truth but when this situation happens, it seems like you don’t have the energy to write anymore.

Even if you feel terrible about the news, you can still stand up and improve your writing the way your boss want it to be.

If writing a manuscript is new to you, the best way for you to get accepted is to gather information and tips about writing a manuscript so that you’ll know what to do and how to start your writing,

Of course, you should also pay attention on the quality of your writing. This is the most essential element of writing. The lesser the quality is, the more you will tend to be rejected by any publications or employers.

In writing, you have to consider you audience too. This is going to be your basis on how to convey the main idea in your text.

Got your manuscript rejected? Instead of crying and cursing to high heavens, you might want to look at the possible reasons why that happened. Once you do, you can then get on the process of improving on the next one you submit. Here’s a guide for you:

1. Authenticity. Once a trend is fashionable, everybody jumps on the bandwagon. If you did as well, that could be the reason for your rejection. Unless your manuscript is near the top of the pile on that trend, you’ll be lumped in with the no-thanks crowd.

2. Poor start. Most manuscripts require warm up before hitting the good stuff. Those get rejected almost automatically. Make your story start right from the get-go.

3. Hard sell. Some authors try to sell the book too much. It’s fine to say things in your favor. Do it too much, however, and you are pushing it to the eager beaver brink. More likely than not, you’ll end up qualifying yourself unnecessarily and striking out.

4. Cliches. Using old constructions and imagery is a perfectly valid way of writing. Being approved by a writing software, however, has nothing to do with being good. And cliches are bad – very bad.

5. Length. A good manuscript should sit at around 100,000 words. That is an industry standard. Anything below 50,000 and over 200,000 are usually rejected outright.

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Category: Writing
Keywords: manuscripts, writing manuscripts

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