Tips to Sell Your Home in the Winter

It you took a poll of 50 adult homeowners asking: “would you sell your current home during the winter months of November, December, January and February,” most would answer: “are you crazy! Winter months are holiday months… Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, travel. Nobody is that stupid.”
Maybe. Maybe not. If you opt to sell in the winter and live in a warmer state where snow is a rarity and the sun shines 340 days a year you’re in luck. Other states where the holiday season is always greeted with four feet of snow and your last Christmas gift from your wife was a snow blower machine, you might wonder who in their right mind is out looking to buy a home in the winter.

Unfortunately, not every person or family has the luxury of waiting until the thermometer climbs back into the 50’s and the snow and ice disappears and the plants and flowers start to bloom. Selling a home in the winter will present a limited amount of buyers and may leave you twiddling your thumbs on your weekend open house while you watch the snow falling through your living room window. That’s the bad news. The good news, and sudden ray of sunshine, is that selling your home in the winter eliminates the tire-kickers and lookylou folks from traipsing snow and mud through your house then leaving without a smile or thank you. Only serious buyers will make the effort in the winter.

So, let’s make a plan. You can sell your home in the winter – but those six letters means that it will be cold, wet, snowing or a combination of all three. And even if your home is in Scottsdale, Arizona where I lived for 22 years, it can get cold in the winter. You should have your home energy-efficient because that’s the first thing that’s going to enter a wintertime home buyers mind. Here are a few tips to make your home sell-able and more attractive to that serious buyer.

#1 – Do you have storm windows throughout? If not and it’s cold in your state 5 months a year this is a good investment and will add value to your home. #2 – If you have a fireplace make sure the flue has a tight seal and has been recently cleaned and you have a fireplace cover to keep hot air from escaping. #3 – Make sure your windows have been caulked and doors weather stripped. Check for cold air leaks. Your prospective buyer will. #4 – Make sure your attic is insulated at least 7 inches. #5 – If your furnace is over 20 years old and is crapping out, consider a new one. Your new buyer will love that gesture. While your at it, check the furnace filter. #6 – Decorate windows with shutters or window shades to keep out the cold air.

Finally, have a recent monthly utility bill handy to show any buyers. It proves you’re a good wintertime owner.

Author Bio: Christine writes about a variety of real estate topics. For more helpful real estate tips or to look for a Bellaire Realtor, visit

Category: Real Estate
Keywords: west university real estate, west u realtor, homes in west university, west u properties

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