The Unknown Dangers of Snoring

While snoring can be annoying and is often the source of jokes on TV and in movies, few people understand the hidden dangers and health risks linked to snoring. There are many known causes for snoring, but they are all associated with the restriction of air movement during breathing during sleep. With this in mind, it is no surprise that snoring can pose a number of health risks, as air is obstructed and prevented from entering the lungs like it normally would. If you suspect that you may be a regular snorer, it is important that you understand all the risks associated with this annoying habit, and take steps to stop snoring in the future.

Sleep apnea is one of the most serious health risks associated with snoring. Sufferers of this condition have abnormal pauses in their breathing cycles during sleep. These pauses range from several seconds in length all the way up to several minutes. Despite these long periods of time without breathing, individuals with sleep apnea rarely notice that they are without breath, even after waking up.

Even though those with sleep apnea may not even realize they have the condition, it can greatly decrease quality of life and pose serious health risks.

Sleepiness, Irritability, Lack of Concentration

Snoring and sleep apnea deprives sleepers from the restorative sleep that they need. While those with sleep apnea may remain asleep, the abnormal pauses in breathing prevent their bodies from achieving the type of sleep they need to fully recuperate from a day’s work. As a result, those with sleeping condition will find that they are very tired and irritable during the day. They may find that they have difficulty concentrating on tasks at work, or that they have a short temper with their coworkers, wife, or children. This can truly have a serious negative effect on one’s quality of life.

Psychological Problems

Studies have also shown that sleep apnea can lead to psychological disorders. Those who suffer from this condition may even find it difficult to handle social situations. Furthermore, the lack of restorative sleep associated with snoring and apnea can lead to decreased libido. Who knew that just taking steps to stop snoring could increase sex drive?

Dangers of Heart Failure

What is perhaps most disturbing is the link between sleep apnea and potentially deadly conditions such as heart failure. A number of studies have shown that individuals with this condition have increased risk of hypoxia and congestive heart failure. These studies have found that people with sleep apnea are actually 30% more likely to suffer from a heart attack than those who sleep normally.

Clearly excessive snoring and the sleep apnea that is often associated with snoring is a significant health risk. If you have noticed that you snore loudly, or have been told that you do so by a partner, it is important that you consider all the negative effects the condition may be having on your life. Not only could the condition lead to decreased energy and psychological issues, but it may even be life-threatening. You would be well-advised to speak to a doctor and take steps to stop snoring as soon as possible.

Author Bio: Jason Bacot – If your looking for some proven ways to help you to stop snoring and how to stop snoring, then look no further and check us out online at “” as soon as possible.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: stop snoring, sleep apnea, snoring treatment, apnea, snore

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