Home Remedies for Tonsil Stones or Tonsilloliths
The whitish to yellowish irregularly shaped stones that are found in the crypts of the tonsils are called tonsil stones or tonsilloliths. They may not be harmful or pose dangers to your health but these stones can cause bad breath, thus it is just right to find ways to get rid of them, and you can actually find some home remedies for tonsil stones to end this problem.
Tonsil stones are actually hardened mucous, dead cells, nasal drippings, bacteria and tiny food particles that have been accumulated for a time and have clung into the surface of the tonsils.
One of the indicators that you have stones in your tonsils is a persistent bad breath and, and of course, with this symptom alone, you will indeed find the need to remove these odor-causing stones that may affect your social life. Although smaller stones may just be flushed down by themselves, some of them may need to be manually removed. Some bigger tonsil stones may also interfere with your swallowing and may be irritating at times, thus the need to get rid of them as soon as possible.
For some home remedies for tonsil stones, here are a few tips you may find useful.
– Applying light pressure to tonsil crypts with may just allow the stones to pop out and can be removed easily out of those pockets in the tonsils. Most often, a Q-tip is used to pop them out. However, it is important not to put more pressure on your tonsils, as they are sensitive and it may cause it to bleed. You have to practice controlling your gag reflex as well, as putting anything far back in your mouth can cause you to gag and may choke you. Of course, if the stones are located in parts of the tonsils that are hard to reach and areas that may be too sensitive even for light pressure, you may need to seek professional help in getting those stones out.
– Gargle with warm salt water. Regular gargling with salt water does not only help you get rid of sore throat but can also flush away the bad smelling stones in your tonsils. It can also prevent the accumulation of these stones if done regularly. Gargling with a mouthwash can also help. Choose a mouthwash free from alcohol and do gargle with it regularly. This will cause the stones, especially cialis erectile dysfunction those smaller ones to be flushed away as well.
Medicine droppers are also used by others in trying to get the stones away as well, but this still needs practice and good reflexes so you won’t gag.
In chronic cases that enlargement of the tonsils may occur, it is important to seek professional help with your tonsils. Although some would suggest going under the knife to remove the tonsils, it is still wise to find natural and safe options in getting rid of these stones. You can even find some herbs as home remedies for tonsil stones that will also help you dislodge these stones out of the tonsil crypts.
Author Bio: Carolyn Anderson used to suffer from tonsil stones years ago. If you are looking for solutions to eliminate tonsil stones, check out the guide getting Cialis Professional rid of tonsil stones fast. Also check out Banish Tonsil Stones, where you can find ways to get rid of these stones.
Category: Health/Diseases and Conditions
Keywords: eliminate tonsil stones,home No prescription cialis remedies for tonsil stones,getting rid of tonsil stones,tonsil stones