How to Celebrate Earth Day

Winter is finally over and now that it is the nice weather is not the only thing that we have to celebrate. Earth Day 2010 is only a short time away and it is time to start thinking about how you are going to celebrate this special and important day. These days we know more than ever about climate issues and what we can do to help so more and more people are becoming involved in Earth Day.Earth Day began in 1970 in the United States and was meant to be a day in which individuals learned about what they could do to protect the environment.Today the holiday is celebrated in countries all over the world and celebrated in all different ways. Some individuals celebrate by learning or teaching about the environment and/or climate issues while others celebrate by actively doing something to improve or protect the environment. Any way that you can celebrate and any step that you take to understand better the environmental concerns of today will help to overcome the problem. When you hear people say that every little bit counts, it is true.Many individuals feel that the small things that they do don’t make a difference but it is when all of those small things are combined that change is really made.So this Earth Day find a way that you can celebrate and if you don’t have any ideas as to how here are a couple for you to toss around in your head.It’s easy to celebrate this important holiday you just have to know how.

– One of the best ways to celebrate Earth Day is to plant something either in your own yard, in a friend or family member’s yard, or somewhere else where you can get permission to plant if you or a friend or family member do not have a yard that you can use. Plants and trees are not only beautiful additions to any yard but they also provide oxygen for us to breath. Plants can even feed you and save you money on your grocery bill if you plant the right ones. If you can’t find a yard to plant in you can always use planting pots and place them around your home. This will also help to clean the air that you and your family breathe as well. Earth Day is all about giving back to the planet and what better way to do that than to plant something special that day.

– Another great way to celebrate Earth Day is to go a day, or even part of a day, without using electricity. Not only will this save energy which is good for the environment but it could also be a great experience for you and your family. Prepare yourself early by planning to cook on your grill and have candles on hand and it can really be an adventure.

Author Bio: Mitch Gleason has been a business writer for the past 15 years contributing to many business periodicals. Read some of his articles about Wholesale Bath Bombs. For more article and resource, visit Bulk Bath Products site.

Category: Society
Keywords: winter,earth,celebrate

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