Europe to Implement Green Dot Patterns the Pros and Cons

Most EU countries, goods are often printed on the packaging of two end to end by a curved arrow constitutes a green dot logo, which is the EU’s “Green Point” sign, on behalf of recycling. Green Dot organization originated from Germany and has been promoted in most European countries.

Green Dot organization is a non-government organizations, but can not do without the Government’s promotion of its birth. At that time, under pressure of public opinion on environmental protection, the Government business must meet a certain percentage of recycled packaging, or need to be turned over to packaging tax. European companies in order to avoid the introduction of new taxes will be an agreement to form a self-monitoring organizations and institutions to promote waste recycling, and to ensure the recovery of a year to complete a certain amount of green dot organization was born. So in Europe, companies often have two options, either to become a member of Green Dot organization, or prove to the government alone can complete the recycling.

Green Dot organizations to take to the packaging of consumer goods using the company that manufacturers, importers and other forms of charging the entire recycling industry to promote a virtuous circle. The accounting principles of Green Point is: all the products on the market to be used in packaging materials category for its environmental impact is responsible for, that is, the general category of the packaging efficiency is responsible for recycling, so Green Point Organization All packaging materials must set the rate. Green Dot organization by employing a third party, according to the annual total of all packaging recycling system for the entire cost analysis, calculate the cost can be shared and packaging materials required for each additional cost, then calculate each packaging material rates. The less environmentally friendly packaging rates are often higher. The corporate payment products in their own green dot printed on the packaging label to tell consumers that they are responsible companies.

Packaging use enterprise by agreement, in accordance with the packing materials rates and the amount is expected to pay for packaging. The Green Dot organizations and regional recycling facilities through competitive bidding to sign an agreement to purchase services, which is responsible for providing recycling services, sometimes providing sorting services. When necessary, the regional recycling facilities and other services will also be home to collect some of subcontracting to small recycling enterprises. The Green Dot recycling enterprise generally not directly related to, but in some products cost more than the value of recycled materials, the green dot will provide subsidies for recycling.

Chose to use the enterprises as the pay package the main reason is that consumer goods manufacturers decide what kind of packaging material used. Through the regulation of rates can affect the choice of consumer goods manufacturers, packaging manufacturers to promote the improvement of technology. In addition manufacturers of consumer goods based on market economy principles have the ability to part or all of the downstream retailers, consumers, or upstream transfer of the green dot packaging manufacturers charge.

This model is not out of the hands of environmentalists, but by economists designed. Recovery efficiency in the European countries. But some of the less developed countries in the copy of this mode will cause recovery of the original clean sanitation workers (scavengers) loss of life depend, exacerbating social problems.

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