7 Bad Habits That Ruin Your Creativity and Your Success

You’ve gone to the effort to make your own website and you’re full of enthusiasm. Don’t fall prey to these behaviors that can ruin it for you.

When you make your own website it’s a pretty exciting, and sometimes frustrating, experience. Maybe you’ve made a Flash website and you really admire the slick looking format and cool Flash features and in short, you’re proud of your achievement.

But for whatever reason, many people who decide to get into an ecommerce website, or even just get into the internet to have a place to express themselves, fall into behaviors that take that promising beginning and wash it down the drain before it’s had a chance to succeed.

Here’s a list of the dangers that you want to avoid at all costs.

1. Doing Nothing. In the beginning you probably will spend more time working on your website than you should, particularly if you expect to turn it into a business website that will earn you some money. However at some point, when you haven’t seen any sales, you’ll slack off. And at some point you’ll give up. Don’t! Do something every day even if it’s simply adding a single backlink to the website. Every blog post does not have to be a Pulitzer winner. Keep active and don’t quit.

2. Paint by numbers attitude. If you think you can be successful in internet marketing by following a fixed plan or blueprint think again. Many gurus will tell you all you have to do is find a system and repeat it over and over again. Well that’s true assuming all the elements of internet marketing remain constant…but they don’t. When Google changes its algorithms your site may go from page 1 to page 100. Don’t be rigid in your thinking be flexible. Don’t get angry get right. You have to be fast on your feet in this business.

3. Forgetting the customer. You know, the people who buy stuff and pay you money. If you don’t provide them with something of value, if you make your own website and fill it with junk then you won’t have to worry about forgetting the customer because you won’t have any. Everything you do on the site should be focused on serving up a great experience for the visitor and building a relationship. Poor experiences in either the buying action or post purchase actions will result in a loss of customers.

4. Listening to others. Specifically listening to others who tell you to get a real job. Friends and relatives, who are otherwise really nice people, may hound you and criticize what you are trying to do. This is particularly true if you are home based. They can’t understand how anyone can make money without leaving the house. You have to remain focused and committed to making your business website the success you want it to be despite the negative input of others.

5. Not listening to others. In this instance we’re talking about not listening to others that are in your industry. Don’t become disengaged with the people or groups that helped you make your own website. Stay in tune and stay up to date with changes and advances not only in web technology but in the industry that you are competing in. Networking and brainstorming is critical to success.

6. No plan no organization. This is a business you’re in not a hobby. Treat it like a business. You have other responsibilities than just your web pages that you need to tend to. There are contracts, accounting, vendors, licenses and permits, and don’t forget marketing that all need your attention. The more you treat this project as a business the more organized and successful you’ll become.

7. Getting fat. You absolutely need to get a daily dose of physical activity. Working at home is a challenge because it is so easy to get out of bed, get a cup of coffee and then sit down at the computer. Your body needs to be worked and your heart needs to pumped if your brain is going to be alert and creative. Remember, carpal tunnel is not a sports injury.

When you make your own website you are going to meet several expected and unexpected challenges and it’s important that your expectations are set realistically. Just avoid the obvious traps and keep your enthusiasm for what you are doing and you’ll be one of the websites that actually succeed.

Author Bio: Maria Free Website Builder I have been in the online marketing industry for over two years and love all things related to e-marketing, writing for the web, SEO and SEM.

Category: Internet
Keywords: free website,website builder,free website builder,on-line marketing

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