The World Center Gravity Moved Eastwards

Volatile international situation, exacerbated the territorial dispute, the nuclear crises, big game more intense, constitute the main features of the international situation in 2010.

This year, world economic and political center of gravity shift to the Asia Pacific region. North and South Korea in Northeast Asia shelling continued US-ROK military exercises, the history of US-Japan military exercises since the largest that occurred in Northeast Asia since the Korean War the most tense situation.

Sudden tightening atmosphere in Northeast Asia

U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, plans withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2011, in Europe seeking to ease relations with Russia; while strengthening the military base of Guam in the Pacific. This is the Cold War, the U.S. global strategy for the most significant adjustment. 2010 Northeast Asia has become the focal point of international tension.

This year, worsening inter-Korean relations, South Korea, “Tian” sank, shelling between North and South Korea; Sino-Japanese territorial dispute intensified around the Diaoyu Islands, Japan and Russia disputed islands dispute was underway. Faced with this situation, the United States to further strengthen the US-Japan alliance and the US-ROK alliance.

Rising tension between the two Koreas, South Korean military exercises continued throughout the year. Statement by the United States, aimed at deterring North Korea, to prevent the risk. Perspective from North Korea, North Korea, an American scientist to show centrifuges for uranium enrichment, after 2000, there were exchanges of fire Yin Ping Island. North Korea’s move to act, aimed at forcing the United States negotiations to abandon its nuclear program as a condition, hoping to achieve the normalization of DPRK-US relations. From the current development trend, the Korean Peninsula it difficult to ease the tension. Parties should be recognized that only through negotiations, not threats to use force in order to properly handle the disputes.

In the Sino-Japanese relations, the most prominent is the Diaoyu events leading to worsening of relations between the two countries. In fact, had strengthened in recent years in Japan against China, such as close monitoring of Chinese warships through the main island of Okinawa and Miyako Island, sail the high seas between the activities of the Pacific, the U.S. won the island held the so-called exercise, and China also includes some controversial China does not recognize the island and the island of Okinotori for the reef. In addition, at the end of the final review of the Japanese “National Defense Program Outline” to determine the enhancement, including the south-west of Okinawa, including the defense of China, “warning and surveillance.” Japanese media has repeatedly reviewed, the outline is clearly aimed at China.

The United States took the opportunity to return to the Asia-Pacific

Exacerbate tensions in Northeast Asia and China’s rise to shake the region of U.S. leadership in the context of the United States took the opportunity to return to the Pacific. This first pressing of the Japanese requirements advocated withdrawal of U.S. troops in Okinawa. Naoto Kan June this year after taking office, busy with repair and the United States. September collision occurred over the Diaoyu Islands, which is the United States and Japan wish for the opportunity. Japan’s political, military, security, need to rely on the United States against China; the increasing emphasis on economic relations with China, hoping a foothold in the Chinese market. The two sides a long time, Korea also have this dual character. Therefore, the United States, the need to strengthen Japan and South Korea’s military alliance against China; For Japan, need the support of the United States against China. South Korea, in order to deal with North Korea backed by the United States. China-ASEAN relations in the issue of the United States to find a starting point, this is the South China Sea. China and South China Sea territorial disputes around the country this year in September the ASEAN meeting in Hanoi, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to launch an attack from China. Indeed, in China’s neighboring countries did have some small hope that some of the United States to move closer in order to balance China’s power, but they will not stand on the U.S. side against China, the Chinese side will not stand against the United States. Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia is on the path of peace and development path, this process is inseparable from the role of the United States. The most critical of which should be Sino-US relations.

As for Sino-US relations can be described as generally stable, but there are still ups and downs. At the beginning of this year, the United States approved the arms sales to Taiwan, the president met see the Dalai Lama, followed by the United States has repeatedly taken anti-dumping measures, do everything possible to pressure of RMB appreciation. In addition, how to deal with inter-Korean artillery, the Sino-Japanese territorial dispute, how to address the issue of the South China Sea disputes, China and the U.S. there are profound differences.

But it should be noted that the two countries maintained high-level contacts on issues of mutual concern, always keep in contact. In this year’s G20 summit to tackle the financial crisis of nuclear security summit in weapons of mass destruction and other issues, the two countries and close cooperation. Now China has invited the United States Defense Secretary Robert Gates visited China and President Hu Jintao visited the United States will be invited to next January. China and the U.S. there is the prospect of improved relations.

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