World Economic Recovery Loss of Balance

Massive economic stimulus policies in the global and emerging economies, driven by strong domestic demand, sustained world economic recovery in 2010, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicted that the annual growth of 4.8%, higher than the negative 0.6% in 2009. However, uneven recovery process, recovery is fragile, slow down after showing the former, East West’s development trend.

2010, 2.7% economic growth in developed countries, emerging markets and developing countries increased by 7.1%. U.S. growth will reach 2.6%, Europe is slightly less. China’s growth rate could reach 10%, 8-9% in India, Asia, Africa and Latin America generally optimistic about the economic development of countries. The second quarter, the momentum of recovery is slowing down, weakening effects of the stimulus. Expected in the second half, growth in advanced economies fell to 1.8%, emerging markets and developing countries was 6.3%. Differentiation of the world economy, national macroeconomic policy coordination more difficult, increasing downside risks to the global economy, IMF expects world economic growth in 2011 was 4.2%.

Old Middle East political chaos Xinchou

This year in August to withdraw U.S. combat troops from Iraq after the terrorist attacks of violence in Iraq continued to upgrade the security situation remained turbulent. March general election, until November, before the parties reach a compromise, by the former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki cabinet, but has not yet been completed. Iraq’s domestic political struggle with the religious Shiites and Sunnis have a close relationship dispute. The Islamic world, is bound to support Iraq and its domestic same sect, which will intensify the contradictions and struggles between countries in the region.

Palestinian-Israeli summit in early September last held direct peace talks in Washington. Since then Israel has refused to stop building Jewish settlements in the West Bank to extend the ban, peace talks stalled again.

U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, Iran influence in the region highlighted. Israeli Prime Minister has repeatedly threatened military action against Iran. Negotiations and the U.S. military threat is always both. Turkey and Israel have recently become enemies. One important reason is that close to Israel are not satisfied with Turkey and Iran, in particular, Turkey and Brazil in May this year, with the support of Iran’s uranium enrichment program. Turkey and Iran against the Kurdish issue in their respective countries also have common interests.

Extend the war on terrorism in South Asia

Obama took office, to announce withdrawal of troops from Iraq, will focus on the war on terror to Afghanistan and the war extended to wipe out the Taliban in Pakistan. Since then, the war on terror in Afghanistan and Pakistan continue to intensify and spread to a certain extent, India. South Asia has almost become second only to the terrorist attacks in Iraq hot spots. In Afghanistan the United States will continue to change, but the battle is still difficult to have progress, only the more aroused the people of Afghanistan against foreign aggression emotions.

One school of the United States should focus on people who favor the Taliban wiped out, but should be “base” organization. This school idea is to prevail. NATO determined in early 2011 began to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan, while the U.S. has long been established in July 2011 began to withdraw. However, the U.S. will undoubtedly maintain its military presence in these two countries.

Russian-US relations with Europe slowing down

The most striking this year than in international relations with Europe, relations between Russia and the U.S. slowdown. United States and the European Union and Russia have agreed to support Russia’s accession to the WTO. July, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Russia and the United States for national modernization and the European Union to establish a “modern Union.”

2008, Ukraine, Russia and Georgia conflict and change course this year, after the eastward expansion of NATO to continue to contribute much to realize that. This year in April, political changes in Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and its time to support the new regime strengthened relationship. Russian influence in the gradual strengthening of the CIS countries, as it embarked on the development and the European Union has created favorable conditions. France, Germany and Russia summit in October this year, Russia to the EU draft treaty proposed a new European security, causing the United States of vigilance.

Russia understand that Europe and America are allies, not to improve relations with the U.S., it is impossible to improve and European countries. Reached between the two countries signed this year, “limitation of strategic offensive nuclear weapons reduction treaty,” the agreement. Russia to the United States to compromise, to cancel the sale to Iran of S-300 air defense missiles. But Russian-US, Russian-European relations are still facing obstacles such as nuclear weapons and missile defense systems.

Climate Change Conference in Cancun this year, the developed countries to Japan to lead the charge in an attempt to end the developed countries have a mandatory “Kyoto Protocol” commitment to the mechanism of the first phase, was firmly opposed to the developing countries. Finally, the resolution of the first and second commitment period has been connected. Developing countries, starting from the truth, and strive in the capital, transfer of technology to reach a consensus. China’s unity and small, island nation, adhere to the principle had been successful. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said China’s role “to ensure the success of the General Assembly.” Of course, Cancun is not perfect, “Kyoto Protocol” the future is unknown, the developed countries emission reduction targets are too low, there is no funding to implement effective protection.

The “base” organization-based terrorist activities in North Yemen, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, France showed an increasing trend, the United States and other Western countries, the nerve is taut state; more noteworthy is that the “base” organization has was “localization.”

The United Nations established two years ago, “Human Rights Council” has been gradually showing power. First time in 60 years the United States recognition of human rights issues, on the other Western developed countries in human rights issues, “superiority” was a shock to help the cause of human rights began to develop in the right path.

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