Protecting Yourself Against Multiple Attackers

All of us hope that we will never be in a situation in which we will have to use self defense to preserve our personal safety, the personal safety of others, or our material possessions. But in today’s ever changing world it seems more and more likely that we may be put into a situation in which we will have to defend ourselves.

What will you do if that happens to you? Although TV shows and movies seem to show action movie heroes executing fantastic moves that will disable entire armies, that may be a remote reality even for highly trained martial artists. Plus, in an emergency situation your adrenaline levels will spike and it may be difficult to perform some of the more nuanced movements that are taught in many self-defense classes.

There are a few basic strategies, including physical moves as well as the use of self defense devices, that you can utilize to defend yourself against multiple attackers. Keep in mind that your primary goal should be your safety. Utilize these basic skills to escape from attackers and get to a secure location.

1) Use Your Opponents’ Numbers To Your Advantage

You may be outnumbered, but chances are that your attackers are not trained in working together to fight a single opponent. Use physics to your advantage. You can push one attacker into the others, for example, to buy yourself a few extra seconds of time.

2) Divide and Conquer

Use the age-old strategy of divide and conquer. If possible use natural terrain or impediments to separate your attackers, preventing them from working together against you. Fences, walls and doorways are great urban obstacles that you can use to separate your attackers. If you can’t separate them physically by using a barricade of some sort, you may be able to utilize one attacker against the others by knocking them off balance.

3) Know Your Pressure Points

If you do have to physically strike out at your attackers, try to aim for the sensitive areas of the face, throat and neck. You can also aim a kick or punch at the ankles or knees of your attackers. Demobilizing one or more of your attackers may give you the advantage that you need to escape from harms way. Self defense classes or DVDs may be able to provide you with additional physical strategies. However, in general being up against several attackers, especially when they may be armed, is not a situation you’re likely to escape unharmed unless you have self defense training or are carrying a self defense device.

4) Use Pepper Spray

When it comes to confronting multiple attackers, this is perhaps the most valuable self defense product out there. The wide spray pattern of many pepper spray canisters will allow you to incapacitate several individuals at once. Other devices, such as a stun gun, must be used on each attacker individually, though they are quite effective as well. The key to escaping any attack unharmed – whether you’re against one person or several – is to be as prepared as possible beforehand.

Author Bio: Resist Attack has a full range of TASER devices to keep you and your family safe. Also check our hidden camera specials

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