Popular Kinds of Massage Therapy and How it Can Benefit You

Massage therapy has been researched and found to be beneficial in a variety of ways. It has been used for healing purposes dating back to ancient Egypt. Now it is often thought of as a relaxing luxury, but it can be used for much more. There are many mental and physical conditions that can be helped with regular sessions. It can be used for both healing and prevention and performed in a spa, as well as in a medical or clinical setting.

There are several different types, each addressing the body in different ways. Some of the more popular kinds include aromatherapy, sports, reflexology, shiatsu, acupressure, deep tissue and Swedish. The client most often chooses the type they want but a consultation should occur as well. In the consultation the client will reveal what areas they feel need work or what their goals are.

Swedish is the most common type and is the basis for most other kinds of massage. It has four basic strokes that move in the direction that the blood circulates. It helps with improving muscle health, circulation and relaxation. The aromatherapy type uses the Swedish technique and essential oils. The oils are typically mixed based on the clients concerns and can address many issues such as fatigue, headaches, stress and anxiety.

Reflexology has been used for thousands of years. The basic concept is that all areas of the body have a corresponding zone on the ears, hands and feet. The fingers are used to put pressure on the different zones and treat those corresponding areas. Acupressure is the use of pressure points along the twelve meridians in the body. These meridians run through various organs and acupressure works to keep the energy moving smoothly along them. When energy is blocked it is thought to cause illness.

Professional athletes use sports therapy as a part of training but it is for anyone who exerts themselves a lot physically. This may be for prevention of injury, to relax muscles after they have been worked or to address a specific injury, to help in the healing process. Deep tissue works the muscles and connective tissues. It is effective for chronic pain and tension. The therapist will use their forearms and elbows to work the muscles deeply. Its also used frequently by athletes.

Shiatsu is a combination of stretching and pressure using the hands, thumbs and fingers. It releases toxins and muscle tension. This is usually done on the floor with the client fully clothed. The therapist may also use their elbows, knees and feet for deeper pressure.

The research into the benefits of massage has revealed it to be effective in increasing joint flexibility and range of motion. Expectant mothers can have shorter labor and less trauma to the perineum. Blood pressure is reduced and blood circulation is increased allowing more oxygen and nutrients into the tissues and organs of the body. There is stimulation of the immune system and lymph fluids making it easier for the body to defend itself.

Endorphins are released during a massage therapy session and leads to faster healing, less swelling and scar tissue post surgery. A more relaxed state of mind occurs making the stresses of life easier to handle. Stress is something everyone has to deal with on a daily basis. It is also considered one of the causes of most illnesses today. Making sure there is time dedicated to relaxation will help reduce stress and possible illness.

Author Bio: Established since 1991, Mississauga’s most trusted health center prides itself in providing superior services in Acupuncture Mississauga and Massage Mississauga services.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: acupunture, spa services, massage therapy, wellness, fitness, beauty, massage therapist, health

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