The Rudest Drivers on the Road

Driving to and from work can be extremely tiring and draining. It can also make you extremely angry due to all the inconsiderate and rude drivers out there on the road. Many drivers out there lack courtesy, respect and just good old common sense. I used to have a grueling daily commute on the 405 interstate and here are a few of the worst driving offenders I have personally come across.

Slow Fast Lane Hogger – When I am in a hurry that means I will drive in the lane of choice for all fellow fast drivers; the fast lane or far left lane just right before the carpool lane. This lane is primarily used as a passing lane and slower traffic is supposed to keep on the right. However, I’ve frequently gotten stuck behind someone driving like 45 mph with a massive gap between them and the car ahead. The result is that the entire lane gets backed up for miles with unsuspecting drivers stuck behind the lone slow driver. I am sure the driver can see me in his rear view mirror but he chooses to stay in place and just contently cruise along leaving me without room to pass since it’s illegal to pass on the right.

Entitled Late Merger – This is the driver that will try to get in front of me at the very last second so they can get on the freeway on-ramp. However, they were too impatient to wait in line with the rest of us and decided to speed instead in the other lanes. I find this quite annoying, especially if I have been waiting patiently for my turn to enter the on-ramp and now this driver zooms out of nowhere and just expects me to let him pass? Dream on!

Mr I’m Too Cool For Turn Signals – This is the person who is too self-important and above using turn signals like the rest of us. However, they have no problem driving like a snake in and out of traffic and expecting me to slow down while they cut me off. All cars come with turn signals for a reason. Use them. It’s really not that hard. They are there for a reason and if you don’t use them, that makes you a self-entitled douchebag.

Mr Litter – There are different ways drivers litter. I’ve had the car in front of me throw stuff out of the window such as empty soda cups and had it hit my car. I have also seen people spit out of their window. Either way it’s pretty disgusting. Littering is punishable by a fine her in California. Spitting out of your own car may not be illegal but it’s still in bad taste.

Mr And Ms Popular On Their Cell Phones – You can see these drivers in your rear view mirror having the time of their life laughing and chatting animatedly away on their phones. It’s even worse when they are directly behind you and you have to drive in fear of whether they will hit you or not. Laws are in place for a reason; driving while chatting on a cell is highly dangerous. The only advice I can offer if you’re behind Mr Popular is to change lanes and get out of his way.

Author Bio: Written by Jacqueline Star – If you are looking for Ford cars in Dallas, check out Dallas Ford Dealers. Ford Country is a premier Dallas Ford dealer with an extensive selection. We are proud to be your Fort Worth Ford dealer.

Category: Automotive
Keywords: cars, autos, vehicles, automotive, transportation

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