How to Tell a Girl Likes You

She’s gorgeous and all you want in the world right now is for her to like you. You’ve given it your best shot and know you want to know if you’ve got a chance. There are quite a few ways to tell if a girl like you. Some of them are told by body language alone, as you’ll see by reading some of the signs of interests I’ve listed below. Here are 10 signs that she likes you:

1. She mimics your body language. What I mean by this is if you cross your legs, she’ll cross hers. Do you run your fingers through your hair? She’ll do the same. Are you taking a drink of your wine? She will, too. The funny thing is, most of this is unconscious behavior. She would probably be mortified if she knew she was sending out signals as clear as this. Because for anyone who knows about body language, they are as obvious, as can be.

2. She touches you. She touches your arm, your leg or your hands. Anything. Any type of touch could be an indication that she is interested and likes you. This includes bumping into you, grabbing you for support if she lost her balance, those types of things.

3. Her pupils are large. This indicates a sign of sexual attraction. Along with the old-fashioned, but accurate signal of fluttering her eyelashes at you. Both signs. In addition, heavy eye contact is usually a great indicator. If she’s not interested, she’s not going to make much eye contact with you.

4. Laughs at your dumb jokes. If she laughs at something even you know is somewhat dumb. Well, she likes you. If she didn’t like you, trust me, she’s not going to laugh at your joke even if it is hilarious.

5. She crosses her legs or her feet and knees are pointed toward you. That means she likes being with you and likes you. If her feet and legs or knees are aiming toward the door, she wants to escape from you and your conversation.

6. She languidly runs her fingers through her hair. She’s attracted to you. It is also sometimes a sign of nervousness, but generally when a girl plays with her hair it is because she likes you.

7. Is she really listening to what you are saying or does she appear distracted and continues to look away. If she is a rapt listener, she probably likes you. If she’s more interested in the game, you’re out of luck.

8. She offers to let you taste or try her drink. This is a big sign she likes you. No girl who doesn’t like you is going to let your mouth near where hers touches.

9. She wants to know if you are single. If she didn’t like you, believe me she wouldn’t care. She may try to find this out in less than obvious ways, maybe even covert glances at your ring finger.

10. She licks her lips. She not only likes you, she’s anticipating your kiss. Go get em, boy.

Author Bio: Bill has been a Pickup Artist for the last 5 years in NYC and can teach you the skills you need to be one, as well, including how to text a girl . The original article can be found here: How To Tell A Girl Likes You.

Category: Dating
Keywords: pickup artist, how to flirt, pua, text a girl

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