Best Diets – 3 Key Features to Look For When Choosing the Best Diet

Looking for the best diets? Wondering which ones actually work? And which ones work fast?

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight before, you’ll know you have a lot of options. There are hundreds of diets out there, some that take off weight quickly, some that work only so-so and some that are just a big, fat waste of money.

So how do you choose?

There are 3 key features that all the best diets have – diets that take off pounds quickly and effectively. Look for these 3 key features when choosing your next weight loss plan:

#1 Proven History

The best diets have a long history of helping people lose weight. They’re still around because they work.

If they didn’t they’d have faded into obscurity long ago – especially in the cutthroat diet and weight loss industry.

If a diet program has been around for several years or more, chances are there’s something to it. Chances are it offers an effective way to lose weight for many people. So it might work for you as well.

#2 Success Stories, Success Stories and More Success Stories

Just because the latest reality TV star is touting a certain diet, that doesn’t mean it works (it might, but that’s just not a great way to tell). The better evidence of a good diet is if it has a lot of success stories.

Look on the diets website for success stories of people who have lost weight with the diet. The more, the better.

Before and after pictures are also helpful to get an idea of what kind of people have tried the diet (men, women, older, younger), how much weight they lost and how long it took them to lose it. Success leaves clues – and the best diets have lots of clues in the form of success stories.

#3 It Makes Sense To You and For You

This sounds logical but you’d be surprised how many times somebody chooses a diet that makes no sense to them.

If a diet is telling you that you can lose 10 pounds in a week eating nothing but grapefruit and pickles – that goes under the category of ‘makes no sense’. (Ok, you might be able to lose 10 pounds doing it, but you’ll probably be a raving lunatic – and protein deficient after a week as well). Forget it and move on.

Find something that has a logical timeline for weight loss and a balanced diet of various foods to make sure you’re still getting all of your required vitamins and nutrients.

You also have to choose a diet that makes sense for your body.

For example, if you’re a diabetic, you probably won’t want to choose the cookie diet. If your body doesn’t feel good with a lot of meat, you may want to avoid the Atkins diet.

If you’re a busy mom that also has a job and does volunteer work, you don’t want to start a diet that requires hours in the kitchen chopping, prepping and cooking foods.

So those are 3 features that all the best weight loss plans have: a long, proven history with lots of success stories and a plan that makes sense to you and for you.

Choose your next diet with these things in mind and you’ll find losing weight a lot more enjoyable and easier than you’ve ever experienced before!

Author Bio: Kate Fox writes for Diet Reviews a fun website helping you find the most effective weight loss plan for you. For a list of the most popular diets that suit your budget, lifestyle and taste preferences visit Best Diets

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: best diets,best diet,lose weight,weight loss,success stories

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