Termite Control Has Gone Twenty-First Century

Whenever there is a problem with termites, people will begin to wonder how on earth they can get rid of them. They may try some home remedies but these creatures are just too difficult to handle by those who are not qualified for sure. Try looking up ‘Northern Kentucky pest control’ or ‘pest control’ on the internet to see what kind of services is available in the local area.

Indeed, many people have had very valuable pieces of furniture completely destroyed by these destructive creatures. Even beams in houses have been eaten completely so it is imperative that the householder keeps a close eye on anything that seems a little out of the unusual.

Signs that there is an infestation will certainly be hollow sounding beams or woodwork and paint that caves in to the touch. Also any brown tube like structures that show them going across immovable objects like cement or metal partitions. These are the above ground tunnels that termites need to build to allow them access to further food sources further into the home or building. Their bodies are rather sensitive to drying out so the tubes allow them to move around without putting their bodies at risk.

To check to see if the colony is still active, try rubbing out some inches of these tubes and see how long it takes the termites to rebuild them. The faster this is repaired, the higher the incidence of infestation of course.

Colonies are always built underground where the queen can be brought food etc from several kilometers away. Indeed, the tunnels emanating from a nest are very many. Since the colony is always looking for food it is easy to see why nothing will stand in their way of finding the cellulose in the wood no matter what it is.

Earlier methods of curing these perennial problems were to dig a deep trench to encircle the affected building. After this, gallons of highly toxic chemicals are poured into the hole to try to make a barrier that the termites could not cross. Although this would work for some time, it inevitably stops after some time since chemicals will break down.

Of course, it goes without saying that any garden or yard would be completely disrupted by this kind of treatment and it surely is not suitable for historic building which cannot be interfered with in this way. So some more modern cures have been devised of late to try to battle this intrepid little creature and send it off somewhere else.

This involves sinking long tubes into the ground at set intervals around a house or building to enable poisoned bait to be inserted into them. Because it is easier to sink these tubes, there is less disruption to the garden or yard and they can also be drilled in around historical buildings too. The tubes can also be monitored very closely so that the infestation direction can be ascertained and the bait concentrated in this area more than others.

Author Bio: Ellie Lewis read recently of a Northern Kentucky pest control problem which is causing damage to area homes. She heard that certain neighborhoods have a Cincinnati pest control problem.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: Northern Kentucky pest control,Cincinnati pest control

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