Your Guide For Your Shoe Size
For most people, only the best shoes and the perfect fit can make for a good outfit. While it is known that women in general have a shoe fetish, men are also into the perfect shoe and shoe size, not only for fashion but for comfort as well. A woman can walk into a room feeling like she’s the most beautiful woman in the world thanks to a great pair of shoe. A good shoe can improve your posture and make you look confident and taller with a good set of heels. On the other hand, a bad fitting shoe can cause back pain, sprain in the knees and other joints, and promote the growth of corns and calluses. Shoes that are too tight, too loose, or too wide can cause you to be overly-conscious of the way you walk and cause additional pressure which can hurt your back. Unsightly and painful corns and calluses can also grow with constant pressure and friction from an ill-fitting shoe and may even require surgery to be removed in time.
Shoe sizes change over time depending on factors like age and whether you have lost or gained weight. It is important to get the best fit for your feet each time you get a new pair of shoes. When getting your shoe size, do not go for shoes that will fit exactly on your feet. There should be enough space at the uppermost part of your shoe. Between the tip of your big toe and the top edge of your feet, there should be at least a centimeter or two of space.
When shopping for shoes, it is best if you do so at the end of the day. At the end of the day, your feet will most likely be tired and swell up. This is the time of the day where your feet can be at their largest. So when you buy shoes, refrain from doing it during the start of your day. Get a shoe size that you do not have to flex or stretch to make it feel comfortable. Just wear the pair and walk as you would normally. If it is not comfortable, then consider getting a larger size or even a different type of shoe altogether.
If you will be wearing socks with the new pair, try it out while wearing the same or exact socks that you would. Socks have different thicknesses, which can greatly affect the comfort that you will have if you have the wrong shoe fit.
Physiologists suggest that one must take extra care for one’s feet because this is the part of the body that takes the most abuse. While walking, almost all parts of the body are either at rest or exert minimal pressure and force. But each step of the way, our feet carry our whole weight while traveling across many kinds of surfaces as we walk. Thus, getting the perfect fit for your shoe will greatly help with both comfort and maintaining your body.
Author Bio: Criss White is a professional article writer for bridal, wedding, and various other topics. To view some cinderella wedding favors or to check out some other wedding favors, visit Bridal and Wedding Favors. Note: This article may be reprinted in your ezine, blog, or website as long as the credits remain intact and hyperlinks remain active.
Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: Shoe size, shoe guide, shoe fittings, shoe, shoes, women, woman, ladies, lady