Can Ginger Root Help With Joint Pain?

Zingiber officinale is an herb reputed to relieve joint pain for centuries. Recent studies have unraveled the age-old medicinal wonder of this plant, and clinical trials have backed up this claim. Its rhizome called ginger root in the vernacular is a tuber that contains oils now identified for their analgesic properties. It is well documented that regions with populations known for regular intake of ginger have lower prevalence of joint pain and, not surprisingly, better overall health.

How does ginger root alleviate pain exactly?

Let’s take a look at what causes discomfort related to joints that we refer to as arthritis in general. Keep in mind that not all joint pains are caused by arthritis. Some may result from other conditions such as rheumatic fever or more serious diseases such as cancer metastases to the bone. Arthritis, on the other hand, is the medical disorder focused on the joints and connective tissues that surround them.

Damage to the joints of the human body do not get healed at the same rate other body parts are. Why? The tissues that makeup the joints do not have direct access to blood vessels, which carry the restorative substances of our body. They do regenerate only at a much slower pace, and thus do not catch up with the continued damage to these tissues, consequently leading to arthritis in later life. Physical trauma impacts on these tissues on the same principle, explaining why ample amount of rest is necessitated following the events that caused the injury.

The pain that characterizes all forms of arthritis is inflammatory. It has to do with how our body tries to counter illnesses. Take for example, when one body part is infected, our immune system act on destroying the harmful stimuli that triggered the infection. How? Every cell in the human body is equipped with messenger molecules that communicate at all times, giving off distress signals when invasive substances are detected and starting the process called inflammation. This is when these molecules sensitize the concerned body part to pain.

The immune system manages damaged tissues in the joints in the same way. Chemical compounds that are supposed to heal the joints fill up the spaces that were once covered by healthy tissues. At the same time, the increased surface area of the damaged joints spurs the formation of bony materials within the spaces, resulting in the limited joint movement or stiffness most individuals complain about. These two processes govern the pain tied to all forms of arthritis.

It should be noted that there is no cure for most forms of arthritis but the quality of life can be improved significantly. The mainstay of treatment is regular exercise to achieve a healthy body mass index and the use of analgesics. Ginger root has naturally occurring analgesics that alleviate the inflammation pain associated with arthritis. Gingerol, the form present in raw ginger root, and zingerone, the form in cooked ones, both counter the inflammatory agents that cause joint pain.

Ginger is a spice and may not be for everybody, this is why this wonderful herb is available in capsule form for easy consumption. Look for quality ginger capsules at your local or internet vitamin store.

Author Bio: If you want to fight inflammation pain with ginger, give ginger capsules a try risk free at VitaNet ®, LLC Vitamin Store. Get More Unique content like this:

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Ginger Root, Ginger Capsules, Gingerol, Natural Inflammation Pain Releif, Pain Remedy

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